Duh? That’s true of any extralegal market pretty much.
Every time I see an article like this my instinct is to should “no shit, Sherlock!” Except that of course many people (politicians especially) would like to pretend otherwise, as an excuse to keep it illegal.
In other news, sky is blue and after a twenty years long study with different control groups, a peer reviewed publication claims that water has been found to be wet
Yeah I could go for some legal hookers right now
But rich people will just say no because they have to make money and its also a plus for them to dominate and abuse vulnerable women. Just like drug prohibition it fills the prisons which are slave labor and profit generation centers for them. Prohibiting drugs makes the drugs more expensive too so I would think its the same for sex work. If they legalize it however will they skim off the top and make the peasants afraid of their boot?