Writing has never been Borderlands strong suit, and I don’t expect it to get any better. The story will be bad, the dialogue will be bad, the jokes will be bad. They hit gold once with Borderlands 2, and never again. Will the gameplay be good? That’s the real question.
Borderlands 2 had an excellent antag with some pretty good writing. With Borderlands 3, the antags were so insufferable, with the rest of the characters only progressing the plot because of stupid decisions, that I really didn’t feel the need to continue.
The toilet humor wasn’t the issue. It was the NPC’s never ending stream of sarcastic and self referential monologuing involved with every single step of every quest. There was rarely a moment of silence where I could just focus on the gameplay.
Vermintide and Left 4 Dead’s rolling commentary works because they use it strategically rather than filling every moment of time up with bullshit. Borderlands just got worse with each game until the third one went off the rails.
It seems like that guy is kinda douchey.
He could just state that it’s not the best idea to put in very specific references that might be outdated even by the launch date.
Thank God, now I might actually be able to enjoy a Borderlands game.
borderlands 3 made me lose interest in borderlands. I should have played pre sequel first but now I probably won’t.
I don’t think it was whatever toilet humor refers to though. It was other stuff. Mainly Ava at all and cringe dialogue in general.