I was cutting up this can to turn it into a pride flag (…as you do…) and I realized that this one looked EXACTLY like the trans flag. Is this purposeful or am I insane?
also i was using 2 DSes to keep the can flat while I took the photo LOL
On today’s episode of is it an advertisement
Just like reddit!
which flavour is that?
Ultra Vice Guava.
Damn, another flavour we don’t have in Australia. I make trans flags with zero ultra, ultra fiesta and ultra strawberry
Can’t say about monster, we don’t have that flacvour either, but generally you’re not missing out on anything. guava energy is disgusting.
NGL it’s a bit of a stretch, but ok. Also let’s see your completed flag soon.
haha yeah, I’m not sure if it’s intentional either. I think it would be cool, but not likely :(
After cutting up this one which I was gonna use as the base and add pink and white on top, I realized that cans dont really like being flat and I would have to like nail them down which would involve staining wood and tbh I don’t think it would look that good with my wood cutting abilities (I have cut 2x4s and not much else)
I’m probably going to just set them out like this which is a lot less work 😅