323 school shootings at K-12 this year
Okay. Can I get a hotline to call when a corporation fucks me over in some way?
Best we can do is send a cop to your house to shoot your dog.
We need to give our executives the tools they need to protect themselves from these violet threats. Tools like the ability to quickly roll back all machiavellian policies and practices before they can become a real danger to the policy makers.
There are two things that the aftermath of Luigi’s action has made poignantly clear to pretty much everybody:
- That the vast majority of people no matter their party affiliation and political leanings is feeling the pain and hates the abuses that carry on being committed by a minority of people in our system with total impunity … until Luigi.
- That the Ju$tice System, the Police and most of the Press, unlike what they claim work for that minority of people, not for the rest of us.
It’s amazing just how certain parts of the system that are supposed to work for everybody (such as in this case the Police, and in other cases large parts of the Press with their “poor CEO” articles) are pretty much shouting loud and clear for all to hear that “we’re not working for you, we work for the ones that abuse you”.
Most people just discovered now with this killing of a hated CEO that what they individually felt about certain things was also felt by almost everybody, and then these bought-and-paid-for minions who for decades have been putting a lot of effort in passing themselves as “working for the community” just repeatedly and overtly signal to everybody else their true minion-of-the-rich nature.
Mind you, as a Leftie who has been skeptical of whose those elements of the current system for decades, I’m happy they’re basically outing themselves and they should keep on doing it so that everybody sees them for what they really are and who they really serve,
Remember all that critical theory stuff people were freaking out about a few years ago?
It’s basically about how society arranges itself to benefit the people who have the power in a society.
Like how crimes against business and capital are serious crimes, but crimes against workers are usually treated as paperwork errors.
Compare the number of people arrested for shoplifting as opposed to the number arrested for wage theft.Or about how the murder of one CEO gets weeks of media attention and a potential development of new systems by the police to keep it from happening again, but we’ve already moved on from the last school shooting, and our official policy is “yeah, that’ll happen from time to time”
The specific example of the health care guy says everything about that too. Deny someone health care and they suffer and die? Or maybe hundreds of thousands of people? No problem.
Cyberpunk dystopia, but without the cool ass shit, just a lot of ways to die horribly.
just a cyber dystopia, missed out on the punk
Yeah, this is definitely the Kenny G smooth jazz of dystopias. And I mean that in all of the worst possible ways.
Be the punk you wish to see in the world.
This is like the Trauma Team in Cyberpunk. Rich people who can afford the highest tier get a private militarized swat team to go to them any time they’re in trouble.
Trauma team charges 100 Eddies per minute from when you call them until they deliver you to the hospital, plus spend ammunition and medical supplies. They waive the charge if they need 7 minutes or more to get to you, though. (Not relevant in gameplay, as their response time is 1d6 minutes). And they have heavy weapons to fight their way through to you. So, their services are sort of reasonably priced for what they offer. And even if you don’t earn the big bucks, if you live in a Arasaka living facility and eat kibble, you should have enough saved up to pay for their services if you end up needing them. (Of course, living in an Arasaka living facility may lead to you needing their services)
Point being, “Cyberpunk 2020”'s healthcare system is better than America’s.
Except it’s not even private, it’s funded by public taxes, which is EVEN WORSE THAN CYBERPUNK
With each move, the elite prove that they think lowly of the common man.
Simple solution: Don’t murder them in New York.
Ideally don’t murder people, but if you want to blend in, Chicago works in a pinch.
don’t the police normally setup hotlines for these sorts of things all the time? Including tips for investigations?
This isn’t a second 911, this is a subsection of 911 intended for threats against people.
When a school shooting occurs the cops wait outside for the kill count to rack up.
America on that any% speedrun to become Cyberpunk universe… trauma team, anyone?
Where’s my fuckin augs? I want to be able to go to the ripper doc to get sweet upgrades and get hired to do corporate espionage!
This is bullshit my chooms.
I’ve said many times the only thing missing between this reality and a cyberpunk dystopia is full-dive VR.
Android XR just got announced. And given they have little to no idea how to use it, it is going to be a full on ad space.
“Hi yes I’d like to report that a CEO is about to make a decision that could hurt themselves or millions of others. Yes i would like to have them committed and watched for the minimum amount of time. Thank you for your help.”
Satire is dead. Not enough CEOs have followed suit.
Where’s the onion logo?
Trauma team from cyberpunk becomes more real every second of every day