Ever hear of Franz Ferdinand?
“I don’t listen to that hipster shit.”
But they are in fire!
Out of control, I tell ya.
This ignorance of history is why we’re destined for a repeat lmao
Oh wait…
This fireeeee
From the research for a school project from a couple years ago, i can say that the assassination was just an excuse to get more control over Serbia
So you’re saying the situation was just a simmering pot and that the assassination was but the catalyst for everything that came after?
Also known as a powderkeg ;D
situation was just a simmering pot
The situation was a simmering pot, but the ingredients were vastly different. The ingredients were an ongoing arms race, nationalism, imperialism, and the militarism of Imperial Germany.
That said, we do have some Nazi’s in the grocery order…
Give who an excuse, AH? I mean, Serbia has a pretty rocky history with the seige of Sarajevo and all.
One was head of state, the other is some CEO that was replaced by another one in the lineup before the day was even over.
From what I read in some history books, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was just one of many pieces that led to WWI.
I was taught that the consensus amongst historians is that it would have happened regardless
The assassination was the trigger, not the reason.
Me, an Austrian woman: