Well, technically anywhere from 5 to 40, but I still have a nice chance to grow old before libreboot starts building. Also, still slower than dial-up.
I’m imagining a 30 year old Pentium Pro server grinding away in a broom closet somewhere. It’s next to the one still running the old Space Jam website.
8 kbps should be enough for anyone
I was happy as shit if I had a 4KB connection,back in the day. Hell, my first modem was a 28,800 baud. IE, a theoretical maximum speed of 3.6KB.
I had a 14.4 modem. I remember wanting a 33.6. Those were the days though. Simpler times.
Before I ever had a modem I’d go to a buddy’s house because his dad had a 300 baud acoustic coupler for work. I think the first modem I bought for myself 9600 baud
Guix user pains. The packages download at that speed.
It’s a tossup whether downloading Librewolf or building it will take longer
Yeah, one of the reasons I moved t440p back to nixos :/
Libreboot?! It’s not on Savannah. But perhaps you meant GNU Boot
They use grub and gnulib. Well, I could’ve also re-configured it to use only seabios but decided it’d be fun to play with grub as a payload.