Why do reporters seem allergic to follow up questions?
“I’ve spoken to people that know him very well, and they say he does not have a drinking problem.”
Logical follow-up: “Who told you that?”
Because the ruling class also owns the media. Reporters can ask questions to look like they’re reporting, but they can’t ask questions that, like, a real journalist would ask.
They’re afraid to not get a chance to interview them again.
If you’re a political journalist and half the politicians won’t talk to you, you have a problem.
Now, a press with a backbone would of course retaliate by simply not showing anything of those politicians (just indirect statements, no pictures, no sound bites), but the press has no backbone, so…
Steve bannon is an alcoholic, why would trump be worried about this one?
I’d drink all the time too if I was a Fox News talking head. Why do you think Pirro does it?
They pay her in boxed wine, probably.