I have Spotify Premium Duo for son & I, Youtube Premium Family (I pay for son and I & got 4 of my friends to join so we split the cost), Voxa - audiobooks for son, NovelAI for son (some story writing tool I guess, to be honest I don’t really know what this one does exactly). No movie / TV show streaming services cause I have Filelist (torrents) and the world wide web.

  • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I find it so frustrating. The hate journalism gets is such a misdirection. This is a vital profession whose business model has been all but destroyed by the internet. The numbers of journalists have been in freefall for decades now. Their pay has never been lower, their jobs never less secure. Their desperate managers are pushing them to stop the bleeding by going for clicks and views. Predictably, they then get abused for being attention whores. Or, worse, part of some institutional conspiracy. And yet without professional journalists, bound by an ethics code, we’re absolutely gonna be lost in a sea of junk and fakery and manipulation. It’s going to be so much worse even than what it is already. And yet this could all be avoided if people were prepared to pay even a fraction of what they fork out to Netflix or Amazon. To be clear, I am not a journalist.