No one and probably won’t any time soon for a plethora of reasons. When I hooked up with a guy for the first time he really made me feel attractive and wanted and I almost broke down too. Terrible self-esteem and being starved for affection is a rough time.
Oh I know why, it’s not like I couldn’t find a relationship if I tried, it’s that I think I’d be a terrible partner and my presence in someone’s life would make it worse and I’m not willing to do that to someone. Struggling incredibly with ADHD and I don’t think I’d be able to give a partner the proper time and attention due to the need to shovel stimulation into the black hole that is my brain, and I have bad depressive crashes, much worse than the baseline misery, that no one can help with and make people who care about me feel bad and guilty about not being able to help. Things have to improve a lot for me to seriously consider dating, and at this point I know better than to think that could happen.
If we’re using food as an example, pick which mushroom is the toxic one to avoid
One of them will kill you. Choose wisely.
(My point is that toxic women can often mask as nontoxic for quite some time, much like you can’t just tell by looking at these mushrooms which will kill you, you can’t always tell by looking at women which are toxic either. Sure the Aminita Muscara may be identifiable and so would any woman with glaring toxicity, but sneaky ones lije these are afoot too, and much like other abusive relationships frog, boiling water, yadda yadda you’ve heard that bit before.)
As a level 1 autistic man, I’m a magnet for toxic women. It’s like they hunt for guys like me. It takes me a really long time around a woman before I drop my guard.
Who is y’all datin
No one and probably won’t any time soon for a plethora of reasons. When I hooked up with a guy for the first time he really made me feel attractive and wanted and I almost broke down too. Terrible self-esteem and being starved for affection is a rough time.
Well fuck, that’s rough. Take a bit to find out why and work on it. Best of luck to you
Oh I know why, it’s not like I couldn’t find a relationship if I tried, it’s that I think I’d be a terrible partner and my presence in someone’s life would make it worse and I’m not willing to do that to someone. Struggling incredibly with ADHD and I don’t think I’d be able to give a partner the proper time and attention due to the need to shovel stimulation into the black hole that is my brain, and I have bad depressive crashes, much worse than the baseline misery, that no one can help with and make people who care about me feel bad and guilty about not being able to help. Things have to improve a lot for me to seriously consider dating, and at this point I know better than to think that could happen.
Plenty of toxic women out there.
There are plenty of foods I don’t like, I avoid em
If we’re using food as an example, pick which mushroom is the toxic one to avoid
One of them will kill you. Choose wisely.
(My point is that toxic women can often mask as nontoxic for quite some time, much like you can’t just tell by looking at these mushrooms which will kill you, you can’t always tell by looking at women which are toxic either. Sure the Aminita Muscara may be identifiable and so would any woman with glaring toxicity, but sneaky ones lije these are afoot too, and much like other abusive relationships frog, boiling water, yadda yadda you’ve heard that bit before.)
First one, Amanita Phalloides if I’m not mistaken.
Take a bite and find out!
I like my liver solid as it is, thank you very much.
You’re very smart. Often you don’t know until it’s too late and then getting out of that situation isn’t easy.
Be honest with yourself and your partner in what you want. If those boundaries are crossed, dip.
As a level 1 autistic man, I’m a magnet for toxic women. It’s like they hunt for guys like me. It takes me a really long time around a woman before I drop my guard.
Is level 1 high or low?
It’s right next to level 2.
This helped everyone. Thank you.
It’s the autism that may be maskable to an extent and the person is more independent than levels 2 & 3. It used to be called Asperger’s.
I never knew there were official levels I assumed you were using a self assessed scale.
Yeah, 3 levels. They vaguely communicate how much support the person needs with one being the least support and 3 being needing relatively the most.
Thanks yeah I just looked and I’d say I’m a Level 1 on that scale. TMYK.
You’re welcome