I’m not down with vigilante murder or anything because it seems like the slipperiest of slopes, but what other option is there in a situation where someone seeks to make an impact in this way? You can’t just beat em up and let them go back to work. It would be naïve to expect them to change their ways when faced with consequences for their actions and then promptly let go. It just seems like the chances that it emboldens their penchant for exploitative behaviour and disdain for people in need are too high.

We’re just born into and strapped to this capitalist ride and expected to sit quiet and make these leeches their billions. How else can this cancerous greed possibly be dealt with? Honest question. I’m terribly conflicted.

IN NO WAY AM I CONDONING, ENDORSING OR SUGGESTING THAT THIS BEHAVIOUR IS ACCEPTABLE, OK? I’m just genuinely curious what more reasonable and intelligent minds than mine think about this.

  • GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The rich throughout history have always been afraid of the working class it just usually just shows up in less obvious ways.

    The way the wealthy talk about the working class

    The way the wealthy always look to divide the working class into camps to fight amongst themselves

    The way the wealthy demonize labor unions

    The way the wealthy keep education limited and expensive

    The way the wealthy use religion and media to drive their idea of goodness and justice

    The way the wealthy try to make the working class envious of their wealth so the working class spends their money and time trying to replicate it.

    Are all examples of an underlying fear of the significantly larger working class population getting control.

    And it is such a winning strategy that it works on them in reverse. The wealthy will do whatever they can to keep their wealth and always try to pile more on because of the fear of being one of them (the working class) that they have demonized for generations.

    EDIT: added more examples