
About half of working women reported feeling stressed “a lot of the day,” compared to about 4 in 10 men, according to a Gallup report published this week.

The report suggests that competing demands of work and home comprise part of the problem: working women who are parents or guardians are more likely than men who are parents to say they have declined or delayed a promotion at work because of personal or family obligations, and mothers are more likely than fathers to “strongly agree” that they are the default responders for unexpected child care issues.

    12 days ago

    I am not one of these overstressed working women now because:

    My kids are older (youngest is still in high school, one in college, the rest adult now)

    My husband does as much around the house as I do, including what is referred to as the “mental load”, he was a single dad before we got together.

    That’s it. When my kids were younger and their dad didn’t do as much, yeah I was stressed. It’s stressful.

    My job is demanding but somewhat flexible too, that does help, but mostly its because no little kids and a husband who doesn’t think all the kid and house stuff is my job.