Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 20; max - 32; shower or two (25% chance of at least 3mm)

    3 months ago

    Random memory: During the time Melbcat needed a lot of trips to emergency and before I had any help or the pram, a taxi driver refused to let her carrier in the car and demanded that she go in the boot. I can tell you that did not happen. I argued with the driver until he refused to take us, called another ride and then boycotted the taxi company.

    This was for reasons of not wanting to put her in a dark claustrophobic airless space by herself, and separated from me. (There’s no reason the driver would have taken off with her but I didn’t want to even make that possible.) Also if the vehicle got hit from behind she would have been severely injured or killed. It was unsafe.

    And now I see that what he was trying to push me into was illegal.

    1. Transport Minimum standards

    Adequate ventilation must be provided in the vehicle and travelling container or cage.


    Travelling containers must be secured or restrained in the vehicle. Cats must not be transported in the boot of a car.

    Fuck that guy. My instincts were correct and even in a difficult situation I stuck to my guns and protected my cat.

    I should have lodged a complaint but had my hands full and nothing would have come of it.

    Be a Karen if you need to, people.

      3 months ago

      When I lived in Melbourne I had a pet cockatiel. I had to get yearly check ups, and the only Avian vet was out in Burwood, so taxi it was.

      But every time I called to book a taxi, I told them I’m coming with a bird in a large cage and I could spill water. Just because I was worried about getting turned down for a ride.

      FYI, the taxi drivers always loved it.

        3 months ago

        Yeah after that I always verbally confirmed that a cat would be riding with each booking from the new company. And then they automated bookings so I couldn’t anymore…