Straightforward: my 29-year-old son is dating a 16-year-old girl he met at a jazz festival this summer. Openly. He had a same age long-term girlfriend until last year, when they broke up amicably. We really loved her, she was basically our daughter-in-law and we’re still in touch. His current girlfriend’s parents know about their relationship & are cool with it. For the record: it’s also legal in our country. We don’t think it’s right though, he’s a grown ass man while she’s a high schooler. He’s also very successful professionally, handsome, takes good care of himself, has a good personality, etc. so it’s not like he’s lacking options. He just says he likes her - that’s his why. He’s not a bad person, I know that, but still this whole situation has changed our perception of him quite a bit. We’re having a rough time to say the least.

      3 months ago

      They broke up amicably because she wanted marriage and kids, he didn’t.

      I think that’s the exact point why he now dates someone much younger than him. Not that she wouldn’t want those things specifically but she is his escape from being an adult. I’ve been there, broke up a relationship when I was 30 for the exact same reasons (no, I didn’t date a teenager afterwards). Being that age is scary, especially these days. You have less and less time for your hobbies, you’re expected to deal with a job, bills, taxes, bureaucracy, family planning, and the future in general. At the same time, even if you’re successful in your job, you have to worry if you’ll ever reach your parents’ standard of living because real estate has become incredibly expensive.

      In that phase of life, some people will cling to every opportunity to preserve their inner child. A silly hobby, quirky clothing… or a person around whom you can be immature. For me, the solution was to spend my vacations with a couple of friends who feel the same and just make our own safe space where we can be as immature as we want for a week. For your son, it was getting a girlfriend who is much younger than him. She won’t mind if he acts like a highschooler because she is one herself. He can hang out with her and her friends to stay in that less complicated world for just a few years longer.

      He needs that. And he needs you to accept that side of him, even if you don’t accept his relationship. Make sure that when he comes home, it’s okay for him to spend a day on the couch playing video games, watch Disney movies and forget about all his responsibilities.