• Maggoty@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    So we have to keep brutally oppressing people until we magically stop brutally oppressing people and have a utopia?

    No. That’s not how that works, that’s not how anything works.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      You fight the Discrimination by going after every situation of discrimination, punishing the individual offenders and compensating the individual victims.

      What you don’t do is to carry on Discriminating on the very same visible human characteristics but change the beneficiary groups and call it “positive”.

      By defending differentiated treatment based on people’s genetics (the very same genetic traits that Racists use, no less) you’re supporting the very foundation of Racism and every far-right ideology in existence including Nazism.

      You’re parroting shit you haven’t really pondered over and doing so with maximum emotionality and minimal rationaly, in practice defending methods which de facto prolong the very thing you claim to want to stop.

      Also, why exactly are you avoiding the point I made about the greatest Discrimination being Wealth Discrimination and fighting that will do a lot more to correct the baked in problems of other kinds of discrimination - what you in perfect political-parrot way mention using the 100% parroted expression “brutal oppression” - than your Descrimination-preserving method?

      I’m in a leftwing political party were I live and you sound exactly like the stupid kids who swallowed the neoliberal bullshit and think they’re being lefties whilst promoting the far-right way of seeing people, up to and including the raging slogan spewing when confronted with rational analysis of the very neoliberal-think-tank-invented “equality” methods they’ve learned without questioning.

      • Maggoty@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Because we aren’t talking about wealth discrimination here. We’re talking about racism. And yes when someone’s family was enslaved and oppressed for 500 years because of their skin color, that’s going to be the metric for who needs help to repair that damage. This isn’t deep, this is some white bullshit to try and justify the continued oppression of minorities. Because there is no movement on anything else you’ve mentioned and you want to take away the way they are being helped right now.

        I don’t care who you identify with, this is some Turning Point USA level shit. We can’t do the thing we’re doing, because we should do something that isn’t happening and may never happen. So I guess white supremacists win again by default!

        You can come for affirmative action after there’s consistent movement on the economic issue, or after, (as one example of many) you can’t point out the minority part of town anymore just by looking at a map to see what communities were cut off from services by highways.