• GoodEye8@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    I’m sure it is to you.

    Edit: since Mr. Disingenuous isn’t going to get back on track I’ll leave my argument here. The reason I’m asking who is supposed to give the land is because if the governing body isn’t giving the land it means the people living the land should do it. But how are people supposed to give the land? Yes, people can physically give their land to Zionists but people can’t legitimize a Jewish Nation. It would just be, let’s say a Jewish town within Austria, but it would still be Austria and not a Jewish nation. Only the governing body can create a Jewish nation.

    Also it’s not the European people who caused the holocaust and they were victims of the war as well. Their homes were destroyed, they needed to rebuild their lives, and then they also need to give their land to Zionists because of something they had no control over?

    And while I do think Britain completely dropped the ball and is very much to blame for creating this conflict between Palestine and Israel, it’s very much history at this point and it’s pointless to argue over history. Pointing the finger at what Britain or Europe did or didn’t do a century ago does nothing because at this point it is what it is. If we want this conflict to end we should look at what can be done now.

          • GoodEye8@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            Of course you’re going to assume I’m pro Isreal… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering you don’t know history and you don’t understand that for your “Reich” comment to make sense it should’ve been fourth Reich not third Reich.

      • GoodEye8@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Were the majority of Europeans Nazis? Yes, a very specific subsection Europeans caused the holocaust, but that does not represent all Europeans. If you choose to generalize an specific region of the earth based on what one country did then I guess you’re a rapist because I’m pretty sure there are rapists in your country and I’m choosing to generalize your entire country (including you) based on those rapists. Except I won’t actually do that because that would be fucking stupid.

        To get back on track, the other person used Europeans in a general sense which means I took it in the general sense. If they meant Nazis they should’ve said Nazis.