Here you go, a “real” source. He said there were more bullet ballots than there likely really are, but there’s still a really suspiciously high number of them. How is this not at least worth investigating?

    4 months ago

    A more reasonable explanation is that some people cared more about president than other down ballot elections.

    Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” There are a lot of stupid people in the United States who would vote for Trump. His campaign was directed at turning out low-propensity, low-information voters, and the type of voter who would cast a bullet ballot are low-propensity, low-information voters.

    Why do you assume it’s not nefarious?

    The past two elections are regarded as two of the most secure in history. Plus, if there were actual malfeasance, I very much doubt that Trump, knowing his famously insatiable ego, would not allow his popular vote to get below 50%.

    In the end, investigate away, but nothing will be uncovered, just like in 2020.