Imagine being so full of yourself you call yourself a “business angel”
Is he biblically accurate though?
If full of shit is biblical, yes.
It’s in keeping with biblical traditions for sure.
Angel investors are a thing.
Learning what an angel investor is hasn’t really changed my opinion on this guy. My opinion of him as an angel may have changed if the post were closer to “go home at noon today, we’ve got enough done and you deserve a break.” Instead his attitude is "stay later, work harder, and get that sweet sweet return of investment.
Deutlich sichtbare Warnhinweise auf den Flaschen wären eine große Verbesserung. Of he’s all about profiting from the work of others.
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Damn guess i must be a business demon
the only people who want to put in longer hours at the office have absolutely nothing to go home to.
they should be pitied instead of being vilified. drop them a “get well soon” message in social media should you encounter them.
Usually they’re also the people who don’t do anything… I don’t know how many I’ve run into and ask what they’re working on, only for them to give me a “catching up on email or cleaning up” response. They’re just wasting time, hoping to look good.
“Catching up on emails” is something you must do and can take a lot of time depending on your role and circumstances, though. My interepretation of this answer would depend on if the answer is for “what I’m doing right now” or “what I’ve been working on today”.
they should be pitied instead of being vilified
Nah. It’s leaders like this moron that are just looking to make money off your hard work. Get going, you have billionaires to please!
Some of us work our asses off because we’re passionate, but don’t pressure our coworkers to do the same… It’s a phase like most things are. If I ever get a management position in my current industry, I won’t expect after-hours responses/work…
Some of us work our asses off because we’re passionate
i’m so sorry to hear that. hope you get something at home which can share in that abundant passion.
get well soon.
Imagine not realizing that you have to take breaks to be productive. It’s better to go home and forget about what you were working on and come back the next day. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve struggled f with an issue and came back to it and figured it out right away.
That is the key thing that is wrong with the whole “work ethic” rhetoric. Working longer hours is not good for productivity unless you have a job that basically has no quality metric attached to anything you produce and quantity is just measured in time worked.
Chances are many are still working. They’re combining eating with socialising with peers in the hundreds of bars and restaurants and discussing many things, including work related stuff… which is a lot healthier than always eating alone at your desk.
Prosperity comes from inherited wealth.
People who work from a co-working space usually are in no place to lecture others about prosperity.
If you brag about how late you work in the evening, at least tell us when you start in the morning.
That would be a great reply:
“What time did you get in? I didn’t see you at all for the 13 hours I was there. Did you just show up to take a picture?”
Their golf is “business networking” and counts as work. Your bar time with coworkers and other business associates is goofing off.
What if instead of working, I spend two hours making a salty post about people not working?
Man discovers German labor laws, more at 11.
This is an especially stupid post coming from a guy working in Germany. As far as I know, they see leaving work early as a good thing because you were so productive you didn’t need an entire day of work to complete your tasks
Tell me again how hard you’re working while you piss around on social media all day.
Tell me again how hard you’re working when you’re a grown ass adult who needs to stay until 18:30 every day to accomplish anything competitive
Some of us are nocturnal. His issue is that he thinks that anyone can stay productive for more than about 4 hours a day. That’s just an unrealistic expectation created by bullshit jobs that we can autopilot through for 8 hours a day because the dictators up top decided that was the best decision.
True. If you start in the evening that’s fair. I’ve lived like that before accepting that I’m cursed to the diurnal life by my nature. At that time I did the whole 18 hour days thing. I didn’t do by best work back then and it was killing me, and I grew out of it after college.
The other day I was driving on the Autobahn at 3:30am and there were literally no cars around me. These Germans always go on and on about how the Autobahn is so fucking great, but then they are not using it? You have to be really stupid to not see how that illustrates why the entire country is going to shit
3:30 AM is probably the best time to be driving on the Autobahn, too. Can’t believe nobody’s using it at that time.
And instead of working himself he spents his so productive working time by writing linkedin posts.
Odds on he went into the office at 18:30 to take a photo of how empty it was so he post on LinkedIn about what a grinder he is.
I mean does anybody other than blowhards full of nothing but air use or care a out LinkedIn? The last job they tried to push on me was working in a local five and dime in the city centre mall. Not disrespectinf the fine people who work there, but how do my master in thermodynamics and 20 years of experience with explosives fit in there?
It’s honestly the best way to connect with tech recruiters.
I don’t want to “connect” with recruiters, I want them to find me a job (since that’s their job), and then I never want to hear from them until I start looking for a job again. If I wanted friends I wouldn’t be using a job board.
Yes, that’s what the connection is.
If you said that terrorists tired to recruit you, it would kind fit, morbid it may be.
Of course! There are also trolls that post outlandish stories and then incredulously post screenshots of said stories to reddit or lemmy
city centre mall
how do my … 20 years of experience with explosives fit in there?
This reminds me of a person I worked with who would wait until the evening to reply to most emails. I assumed this was so at every morning standup they could say they were waiting on someone else to get back on something.
Pro tip - when replying to an email, schedule it to be sent at 8pm so they know you’ve got that sigma grindset
Outlook will display the time “sent” as the time you hit send. Then they receive it at the scheduled time, and will be marked as the “received” time. Two different time stamps.
Well that’s disappointing. What even is the point in scheduling a message then?
Surely there’s some way to spoof it, but I guess I’ve never really tried
What even is the point
Scheduling correspondence generally falls into one of a couple categories:
- This message contains information you don’t want them to have until after an event. Raises, Layoffs, Reorgs
- It’s 2am and you don’t want to bother them at this hour. (more important for Slack)
- They’re not in our timezone and you want it to hit the box when they’re fresh to work on it. You don’t want them to start a sprawling project at 4:30 on a Friday.
- It’s the weekend and there’s no reason for them to worry about it until Monday.
It’s the weekend and there’s no reason for them to worry about it until Monday.
Imagine checking work email on the weekend. I feel sorry for people with jobs like that.
I have a guy, he’s amazing but he just does that. I have to be very careful to not to send him anything outside of normal work hours because he will spin up and do it and that’s not what I want.
Trust me, I had to test it to see if I could use it, and was quite disappointed.
Keep it in draft, schedule a script to click the button for you.
True, but how could I do that on my work computer without admin access? I was barely allowed to install AutoHotKey.
Also not allowed to keep the computer running 24/7.
Can you run powershell 5.1? If you can do that add type definitons, PowerShell can control your mouse and click for you.
If you have your mail in the browser, you can manually create javascript code to run at some point.
Sounds like something I’d do lmao
Sounds like a dude who works all day without accomplishing anything and doesn’t understand how people can get work done quickly by being good at it.
Actually, he seems to be a guy who’s just gallivanting all over the world and posting about it on social media, while others are doing the hard work.
Then again, all I have to go by is his LinkedIn profile…
God I want the four day work week to become a thing. But I think they’ve been talking about it for like two decades now and it never seems to happen…
I the USA the fight for a $15 livable minimum wage has taken so long the living wage is now $25 an hour.
I’d happily work until 6:30 on Thursday if it meant I’d get Friday off completely, with no less pay
Get in a union (while you still can). I’ve been rocking the 4-day work week (with one day WFH) for years. It’s great.
There are too many idiots and bootlickers in the US for progress to be easy.
I have bad news about the election
That’s not an office. That’s a hotel lobby. I do not envy anyone who needs to work in this co-working space. It’s like someone took the idea of a loud distracting open concept office, and replaced all the functional furniture and equipment with cushions and wall art.
Overtime work for your own company? If you want, sure. It all comes back to your pocket after all. You do you.
Upset that your staff isn’t participating in your non-existent work/life balance? It’s only weird if they don’t own an equal share of the business with you, or are not well compensated for the inconvenience.
Publicly shaming your staff on LinkedIn for spending time with family? Get ready to lose your top performers.
Edit: another lemming pointed out this is a co-working space. In which case, the above doesn’t directly apply to the guy in OP’s post, but is a familiar story nonetheless.