• PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    “I’m not into dressing up much, but I miss the person who used to wear these.” Wow, that hit hard. I’ve got longline leather jacket, silk shirts etc that I used to wear but haven’t in years and I can’t let them go yet, I feel like I’d be throwing out part of myself. I got rid of all my high heeled boots years back, when motherhood arrived, and I still get upset about it sometimes. Did I really have to? But I was the one mostly left literally holding the baby, high heeled boots aren’t sensible at all, and there was so much finger wagging from my in-laws about celebrities in ridiculous heels holding newborns… Now I’m a fat mumma and a factory worker, not a glamorous or hip person at all. Sometimes I miss who I used to be. I had to give up so much as a mother, and I adore my kids but to be truthful it’s sometimes a sore point. I swore I wouldn’t be that person and here I am, wearing Millers Woman from the op shop, polishing off cupcakes from Coles because I am sad. Wow, that’s pathetic, I didn’t realise how bad it’d gotten!

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      You’ll find yourself again once the kids are more independent. Then you’ll be the more mature & improved, more confident Peeler Sheila.

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      If it’s any consolation I didn’t have kids and that happened to me too.

      Some of my nicer or flashier clothes got ruined in storage but what’s left of them just isn’t appropriate for where I am.

    • Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      From what you’ve posted here, it sounds like you’re doing amazing with what you have on your plate.

      You’re an incredibly strong person, and I have a hell of a lot of respect for you.

      Don’t throw those clothes away. They’re waiting for you when the time is right.

      And there will be a time.

      Don’t lose hope ❤️

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      Oh no Peeler. I felt so sad reading your comment. I don’t know what to say because I haven’t had such a big transition forced (?) on me in life, but I personally think the part of you that is fun and exciting and curious about the world is still there in the way you write — how you observe the world. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, you are a truly amazing woman no matter how you look on the outside 💖