There’s nothing less fun than forced fun.
Mandatory fun!
Idk why it’s so funny but the uniform makes me laugh everytime.
That’s called a party and you just committed culture treason.
By being right.
Ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon party cuz a Liz Lemon party is mandatory
This has to be the mathematics behind rape.
Why is no one having fun? I specifically requested it.
Same peeps that don’t chill, message me every now and again that they’re lonely.
Then decline every invitation I give them.
Yeah, the fear they feel in between those two things is the reason for both
Posting memes about how it feels good to be invited, so you should still invite people who decline all the time. As if I enjoy getting turned down non-stop by “friends”.
Yeah, I’ve turned into the one who doesn’t want to go out anymore, but I’m also going out tonight because I know the door swings both ways and that relationships don’t maintain themselves. I think my friends get it, and I get it, and so we remain friends.
Did you ask them why? They might have a valid reason.
I can imagine a lot of people feeling like that’s “pestering” them. “Jeez can’t they just take no as an answer”
Christ, so much of this shit on social media. People need to recognize that when you show up to try and help out with depression and anxiety (because they went online begging for someone to help) its some emotional fucking labor, too. Like trying to pull someone onto a boat who is drowning, only for that person to keep shoving you away and insisting you’re saving them wrong.
Thank you.
It’s tough on the other people around as well as that person. It’s not that they don’t care, it’s that they don’t know how to help and the negativity and stuff affects them too.
By the way, I say that as someone who’s been clinically diagnosed and did six months as an inpatient.
Social battery has had too many cycles. It runs down quick nowadays.
It was smol and shitty to begin with, so it ran more full cycles because of that too.
Now it’s all bloated & leaking, even caused damage to the surrounding capabilities.
But I know it’s doing its very best & I can’t fault it for that.
I wish I could buy it a lonely cabin it deserves, in a secluded area with only nature & various unnatural eldritchy monsters around.
It wouldn’t be much, but it would be a peaceful life.
We would call shit(re)posting socialising & finally be relaxed.Both the battery and the charger are old and broken in my brain.
If it’s too hot out the battery drains faster, if I’m playing music the battery drains faster. If I’m having to swap between conversations, bye bye battery.
Sometimes the charger works fine but sometimes it just doesn’t charge no matter what I try, and the battery stays low even if I leave it plugged in alone.
Some days there’s a process that’s absolutely and inexplicably guzzling power, but the next day that same process barely takes up any processing power.
Some days it just doesn’t turn on at all, and then on rare occasions I can’t get the damn thing to turn off, it’s just blasting notifications and I’m trying to sleep.
Related: personally I think “old phone battery” is a much better metaphor than the “chronically ill spoons” metaphor that is commonly used to explain the impact of chronic illness.
Oh yeah, when the charge in the battery falls to (below) zero it takes forever for it even start charging again.
Normies say ‘take a day off’ and then expect you to be 100% next day.
It could take months.And yes, some precesses or people can cause a memory leak or overburden CPU with nonsense.
Those are either emotional vampires (which is the better option) or just people that live to produce stress in others (eg your averagely successful mid-corporate boss).
What about social assault?
Extroverts are an oppressive class.
Ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon Party, cause a Liz Lemon Party is MANDATORY
Come join our group because when we die we all get to live together forever and ever and ever … join or we’ll wish for you to die.
And if you don’t join our group, you never get to see us again and you have to spend eternity with scientists, rock stars, whores, etc…
Sign me up
Notice how it’s the guy in the jacket saying everything.
The one person who doesn’t just hang out, but gives a little micro sermon on how hanging out is wonderful, is the one who wants the group to be a cult.
Vastly underrated comment.
Brave New World
Reminds me of that movie with Christopher Lee, about a sorcery cult on an island. Can’t remember the name of it! Wonderful movie based on sorcery tales collected by the writers and Lee himself. :)
How’d it get burned?
Found it. The Wicker man!
Oh why didn’t you just mention the BEEEEES
Because it’s October & even the bees go ‘boooo’ … :)
One exception is when you try to be productive. I’m usually much more productive when I’m alone an scan work in peace(depends on the work tho, I’m referring to doing non manual labor).
I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but here goes…
I have this friend who I used to invite to every social outing. Without fail, they’d turn me down, just like in that comic. After a while, I just stopped trying. I mean, you can’t expect me to always chase after someone who clearly doesn’t want to be included, right?
Now, here’s the kicker. I sometimes get comments from them or mutual friends saying they’re not getting the chance to join because I haven’t considered inviting them. And honestly? It makes me bitter.
Look, if you don’t want to participate, that’s fine. But your constant rejection has consequences. Consequences you brought on yourself and shouldn’t be my problem to fix. I’m not a mind reader, and I’m not going to keep extending invitations that always get shot down.
Maybe I’m the asshole here, but I feel like there’s a limit to how many times you can reach out before you just have to accept that someone isn’t interested in hanging out. And when they complain later? That’s on them, not me.
tale as old as time
This is the “you’re more productive at the office” crowd
This comic describes my relationship with my neighbours.
I don’t like this art style…
I had to double check it wasn’t by the vocal nazi Stonetoss
Stonetoss wouldn’t have been nearly so subtle. Also, not remotely racist enough.
Actually same - but it’s so uneasy, unnerving, even anxiety-inducing that I feel it’s befitting the sinister nature of extroverts it depicts.
It helps it seem more creepy. Adds to the tongue that seems perpetually stuck out.