See title

  • lckdscl [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I feel like you shouldn’t conflate Popper (the man himself) and falsificationism.

    Marxism is completely falsifiable.

    I’m not sure about that. Look up theory-ladenness of observation, or see modulus’ and my response for an ahistorical critique of falsificationism. Nowadays falsificationism isn’t that well regarded anymore. Regardless, Marxism can still be considered scientific. There are better metrics to demarcate between science and pseudoscience than falsificationism. I don’t like how (at least in the West) they still teach flavours of this shit in school (including hypothesis testing).

    On Popper (the man himself), he was motivated in his work to introduce chauvinist and conservative ideas to gatekeep economic and social science from being considered a “science”, both from his anti-communist beliefs but also because the logical positivists were too easy to dunk on.