Holding the maps, Netanyahu said the world must choose between a “blessing” and a “curse”.

The first one showed Israel’s potential Arab allies in the region, while the second, Iran and its allies. Both the maps expunged Gaza and the West Bank.

Netanyahu issued stern warnings to Iran, saying: “I have a message for Tehran, if you strike us, we will strike you.”

“There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach, and that’s true of the entire Middle East,” he added.

      • thefartographer@lemm.ee
        3 minutes ago

        To draw a parallel between Netanyahu labeling entire swaths of people as a “curse” and Jews in Nazi Germany being called “our misfortune.” As an American Jew who lost many family members to the Nazis, I can’t believe I’m watching such blatant echoes of the Holocaust be so casually waved off.