This community is:

A general purpose programming community for English speakers

Language specific posts like:

and ide specific posts like:

are not general purpose. Posts like that ruined /r/programming for me, and this community seems to be going down the same road. I’m here to read about programming concepts that can be applied to any/most languages, not patch notes for 10 different Js frameworks posted by karma farming bots. If I wanted to read posts like that, I’d have subbed to /c/javascript…

Do you agree with me that they should be removed from /c/programming, and limited only to their respective communities? Or have I missed the point of this community?

  • Ategon@programming.devM
    1 year ago

    One of the things about this community is theres no dedicated mods yet (both snowe and I are admins) so it hasnt been getting as much moderation on its posts unless the posts get reported

    If someone wants to mod it let me know

    I definitely think it should be more general topics and the people collecting could be handled by random which I can adapt to fit that (since it isnt being used in its current form) + language specific things in the language channels