The ballot effort to increase the minimum wage for tipped workers faces a new challenge as opponents seek to disqualify signatures collected by organizers.
The Massachusetts Restaurant Association filed an objection to several signatures and petition sheets submitted to the secretary of state by the ballot campaign group, One Fair Wage. The signatures were the final hurdle for ballot organizers to get the issue in front of voters in November.
Tipping has lost It’s meaning in the U.S.
I’m gonna reply to this then it’s just gonna ask you a question… Stares off in to space
I was at a concert recently and the merch vendor was asking for a tip. It’s like, I bought a t-shirt, why am I tipping you? Did you make the t-shirt yourself?
Even if they did make the shirt… Is that not why they’re selling it?
There’s an episode of impractical jokers that really stuck with me. They pretended as bellhops at a hotel, they instructed each other to be as rude and unhelpful as possible like hopping on the bed with shoes on to change a light bulb, taking a shower after showing the guests the room, etc. 3 out of 4 guests tipped them.