President Joe Biden could make a decision within days whether to remain a candidate for reelection, said Hawaii’s governor who participated in a recent meeting with Biden and other Democratic governors and whose family has known the president for years.
And if Biden decides not to run, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.
Green, who was a physician on Hawaii’s Big Island before he was elected governor, said everyone has parents or grandparents who have moments that aren’t that great or pauses in their ability to express themselves clearly. But, he added, they aren’t discarded because of their experience, wisdom and their role in the family.
Green was quick to point out that Trump is only three years younger than Biden and both will have bad days going forward. But he argued that temperament is more important than age.
“For God’s sake, these two guys have to hold the nuclear codes,” Green said. “I don’t want someone who tweets in the middle of the night and rages at other countries. That is not good. That’s not the problem we have with President Biden.”
And if Biden decides not to run, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.
If that happens, prepare to see the narrative of certain people switch from “no one should vote for Genocide Joe” to “no one should vote for pro-cop Harris.” Anything but tell people to stop the dictator from gaining power.
Edit: Wow, that didn’t take long.
This effectively changes nothing for me, I’m no fan of Harris or Biden, but they ain’t fascists
Exactly, but that doesn’t seem to be an argument they care about.
You are not the problem. Some people can’t decide between Joe, and the party that wants to end democracy in this country.
Some people are upset that in the face of fascism, this is the best the American ‘left’ can do. They claim the entire country is on the line, but I haven’t seen them act like it. I’ve seen them say we need to vote for Biden, because abortion!! Roe V Wade was undone under his leadership and he has done nothing about it. He adopted extremist conservative border policy. The Supreme Court decision everybody is clamoring about happened while he was in the big chair. So why does he deserve my vote? Why would voting for him change anything when some of the most consequential and damaging legislation of the 2000s has happened under him?
If January 6 wasn’t enough to convince you the future of this country is on the line, and if Project 2025 isn’t enough, I just don’t know what to tell you.
The Democrats stink on ice, sure. They’re a bunch of ineffectual morons, and they only show it more and more every time they push the responsibility to fight this threat onto the voters. But that doesn’t change the fact that the threat is real, and even if the Democrats won’t act like it is, we must. If we want there to be a 2028 election, we must make sure the Republicans lose the 2024 one.
The Republicans really got just what they wanted out of people like you with what they did in Congress with the border. There is a legit crisis down there now. And there was an agreed-to, bipartisan border bill ready to go, and at the last moment Trump said to tank it because it will reflect well on the Democrats. So they tanked it, leaving Biden’s executive branch with very limited options to do anything. So he is doing one of the crappy few things he can do, and people like you just pin it to Biden, which is just what Trump and the GOP hoped for.
Not just in this country.
All I ask of people is vote for anything but trump. A sack of potato chips is better.
Not good enough. You have to vote for the person most likely to beat him. It’s a numbers game.
Well so far that isn’t Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Who do you suggest?
I’m not the one saying not to vote for them. I will vote for whoever the nominee is.
Wrong. A vote for Stein, or RFK, or West is still effectively a vote for Trump.
If you live in a swing state. If your state is solidly red or blue, due to the electoral college, you vote effectively doesn’t matter.
I kind of don’t have an issue with third party voters when it comes to places where a handful of third party votes won’t change the EC outcome.
With a wannabe fascist dictator who wants to create a Christian nationalist country on the one hand, and abortion rights on the ballot, in one way or another, in many states on the other, it’s possible for a lot of states to become swing states this time around. A lot of people who might not otherwise vote may show up to vote for pro-choice candidates and ballot measures. That could be enough to turn some red states purple. Please don’t waste your vote on a third party Presidential candidate even if you think your vote doesn’t matter.
If you want to support third parties, do it at the state and local levels. You might find that hard to do though, since most of them, including West’s Justice for All party and RFK’s we the people party don’t have any other candidates running for any other offices at any other level.
These people are only running to siphon votes from other candidates and sway the election. West even has Republican operatives working for his party in North Carolina and Arizona to help him get on the ballots. We only know that because those states require signature gathers be registered with the states. You can bet your bottom dollar that they are helping him, RFK, and Stein in other states too.
Blue MAGA strikes again.
none of those candidates will get enough popular votes to win a state’s electoral votes and 2 out of 3 aren’t on enough ballots to total 270 votes. the only message a person who is on the left side of politics teaches the democratic party is that your vote isn’t worth pursuing since you aren’t going to vote for a democrat anyway. instead they will pursue the votes they have the possibility to get. often those people are much more centrist or right wing. you’re taking yourself out of any potential influential position of influence.
this is a binary choice. the winner will either be trump or biden. any vote not for biden is an indirect vote for trump because it’s not going towards the only other viable candidate. this is how our system works and it’s far too late to change it for this year.
We don’t have to prepare for it, it’s already happening, at least on Lemmy.
have y’all ever been racially profiled while driving, got pulled over, and had your stuff thrown in the mud?
since it was a terry stop the judge considered 100% on board even with video proof
prosecutor as president is the last thing this country needs
Who has a chance of beating Trump that is also willing to run?
With a four month campaign runway, no less. I’ve been asking that since the debate. Calling for him to step aside without a better candidate is just reactionary sensationalism. Show me credible and sizable polls that take Trump by a landslide and I’ll be calling for him to step aside too. Until then, this intermittently confused old man did a lot better with his four years than Trump.
Most people just don’t know that much about Kamala, she’s fairly new to politics and hasn’t been in the limelight very often.
Usually just a small handful of speeches and interviews, maybe. She’s largely an unknown though. A Presidential race would change that quickly, though its hard to predict exactly how.
Notably, the right has used her largely unknown status to smear her for years now, not too different from how they got an early start smearing Hilary.
That’s my point. Four months is not enough time to get through all of the mud-slinging and come out with a clear impression of a candidate. The candidate and their policies would have to already be well known by US citizens to ensure a win in that time. She’d have a much better chance campaigning in 2028 with a longer runway.
Just FYI, ye crazy Americans, in other parts of the world four months is longer than the entire campaign season.
Four months is more than enough time to familiarize yourself to the electorate.
I’m not sure I agree, I think 4 months is enough time. It would hinge on her though, and how effectively she can be genuine and communicate.
Agree, and the media jumped on this bandwagon, because he is promising to tax the rich.
This was something that they did not expect of centrist Joe to do.
He’s taxing corporations and reducing wealth for their shareholders too.
Increasing the corporate minimum tax rate to 21% to align with the global minimum tax rate. Implementing a Billionaire Minimum Tax of 25% on the wealthiest taxpayers to ensure the top 0.01 percent pay taxes on their income as they go, just like everyone who earns a paycheck.
Raising the tax rate on corporate stock buybacks from 1% to 4% to reduce the differential tax treatment between buybacks and dividends and encourage businesses to reinvest profits in their workers and in the company’s growth.
Denying corporate tax deductions for employee compensation in excess of $1 million paid to any employee by both publicly and privately owned C corporations.
So your plan is to ignore all the valid criticism until it’s too late to do anything about it and then when Biden loses you’ll blame the people who’d been warning you about it for years?
Who’s ignoring criticism? I’m saying calling for him to step aside without a replacement who would do better is not constructive. They should be poll testing candidates and proposing a candidate that could do better. Criticism without suggestions for improvement is just whining.
the republican party has ignored valid criticism of trump for 8 years. unlike biden, trump’s valid criticism is far more serious than biden looking and sounding old for one night.
Whitmer, Whitehouse, Buttigieg - those are all better options than Harris. Sanders is unlikely to be accepted but would definitely do it if asked.
What makes you think any of them want to run for president when they didn’t even take part in the primaries?
Also, why do you assume Sanders would do it when asked? He’s 82. He’s a lot sharper than Biden, but he’s still 82. His energy is going to be limited. I would be very surprised if he even sought re-election to the Senate at this point. He probably wants to spend his last years with his grandkids in Vermont (or wherever they live), not arguing with people in D.C. And I’d say he deserves that happy end to his life rather than spend what may be his last four years dealing with a bunch of hostile bullshit.
I assume Sanders would because he’s willing to do another term as a Senator and he’s, philosophically, a public servant.
There is absolutely no reason to assume an 82-year-old man would be willing to be president. It is a lot more work than Senator. And I personally think he deserves to say no if he doesn’t want to. It sort of sounds like you don’t.
deleted by creator
What makes you think she has a chance at beating him?
If she doesn’t, tell me who does that is also willing to run.
great question that do not have an answer to
but there are people in worst shoes than mine and a lot of them
not sure they are going to jump as easily on the Prosecutor Harris train given her political background
A Black woman with a prosecutorial history is nowhere near as dangerous as the orange asshole is.
I think you overestimate how damaging that would be for her chances.
I would say that there are much safer choices though.
If you don’t have an answer to stopping Trump and other people do but you’re telling them not to do it, thanks for proving my point.
I think beyond a few very liberals (like myself), a law and order message will do well with voters. Even Oregon recently voted for stricter drug laws. What makes you think such a message won’t do well nationally?
trump runs on a law and order message.
frankly law and order is a bad authoritarian sounding phrase. law and justice is much more platable and less harsh.
exactly what afraid of
Definitely not Kamala fucking Harris, the most hated VP in decades. That would be guaranteeing a loss.
Definitely not Kamala fucking Harris, the most hated VP in decades.
Say what, now? All this tells me is you’re too young to remember Dick Cheney, or the other guy who failed the spelling bee. (In fairness, though, Quayle wasn’t so much hated as he was ignored, like your little brother.)
Really? The most hated in decades? The only good thing I can say about Pence is that he finally decided to speak against Trump after the insurrection.
He’s such a piece of Christian Nationalist trash he attracts flies.
It was entertaining watching that fly land on top of his lifeless head though.
Fine. Then who? Who has a chance of beating Trump that is also willing to run?
This is the question that everyone saying Biden should drop out can’t seem to answer.
I don’t like our choices here either, but I’m not so foolish as to think having the party choose another candidate for us is gonna save us.
This is the party that consistently won’t listen to its own voter base and keeps putting up unpalatable centrists like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.
People think the party that keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory will somehow make a good choice this late in the game? As if.
Also, who is really going to be happy with the party choosing for us anyway? The best they could give would to be allow delegates to choose a new candidate at the convention but delegates are not regular voters, they are party apparatchiks. They will only choose another bland centrist corporate-friendly Democrat, like always. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it etc. There is no progressive lightning rod that will excite ALL Democrat voters waiting in the wings. There just isn’t and we need to stop pretending there is.
Biden is who we have, and we can accept it, even if we don’t like it or we can accept that this is our last real “free” election ever.
He was given answers and decided to move the goal posts onto something else. If Trump gets elected again, the blame is going to fall on party leadership and the sycophants who blindly support them.
Oh come on. I’m not a huge fan of Harris either, but Dick Cheney is right there.
Worse than a literal fascist?
…. it’s not an excuse to let a facist win?
No one’s saying this isn’t a problem. You just have to vote blue, because the alternative is you get thrown in the mud, and then shot.
we have to vote blue because the red team will force fascism down our throats?
fascism against fascism
yeah we gotta go talk show host or game show host, much smarter, very big brain.
I’d prefer that if we’re swapping candidates we don’t swap to yet another deeply damaged one who might also lose the election.
Yup. Not only that, but the attacks from the GOP and media won’t stop. They will simply change from “Biden is too old” to racist garbage like “Harris might be our first DEI president” (That’s an actual headline from the NY Post, which I refuse to link to).
No matter what happens, Democrats will need thick skin.
I’m not worried about Republicans. I’m worried about the people below who have already decided “don’t vote for Harris” before she’s even nominated. No candidate will be good enough for them because no candidate could ever pass the purity test. It could be a Bernie Sanders/AOC ticket and they’d find a reason to say you shouldn’t vote for them.
She’s also not a white male, so I fully expect them to go all out saying that execrable shit out loud.
I am not pro-Biden, but I’d vote for Harris. I think she’s a stronger candidate.
She’s a marginally better candidate if he endorses her enthusiastically. She’s deeply flawed and unpopular but if Biden gives her credit for everything he accomplished she’d be trading “absolutely ancient” for “former uncharismatic prosecutor”.
There are much better choices.
I agree that there are much better choices. Alas, Democrats are right of center and punch left.
there are much better choices.
the problem is that none of them decided to primary the incumbent successful democratic party president.
so it’s biden at the top of the ticket. if you didn’t want biden to be the 2024 candidate, you should have worked harder to get another democrat nominated in 2020.