• kaykay720@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Brian Morris is a proven fraud

    Enlighten us with some sources, you debate deficient dickfuck. Who the fuck do you think you are?

    Can you refute any of the points made without calling something a fallacy? It’s glaringly obvious you have no fucking idea how to begin to behave.

    It’s really unfortunate because I agree with you about circumcision, and yet you’re such a huge cunt full of shit. You need to fuck off and go touch grass. And before you just cry “ad hominem”, I’m not debating you about anything, I’m only attacking you. You’re not worth the time or effort to even consider having an educated argument. You’ve failed to provide any SHRED of a source for anything.

    Science points to the foreskin being…

    Show us where science says that, because honestly, it’s big “Ancient Astronaut theorists” energy.

    Fuck off and chortle our collective balls, you absolute husk of a cunt.