Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that’s literally causing death and suffering

    1 year ago

    Butting in here. I’m a stark centrist.

    …Trump was an absolute shit show. With Trump, the right lost all claim to moral high ground – which is incredibly unfortunate, because it hands the left the keys to the castle. Sure, Trump had some good policy decisions, in some areas. But it wasn’t worth the cost. The right sacrificed their morals for power, amd lost their power in the process, plain and simple.

    …now they’ll slowly need to rebuild, and as they do, the left will be implementing so much naive and corrupt shit that the nation will be paying for it for the next 50 years* - and that’s how the right will be paying for Trump, the ‘right wing’ poster boy who has no real right wing ideals.

    *or, would be, if we weren’t headed for total financial ruin