Are protesters upset after watching Israel nonstop slaughter thousands of children for the last 6 months???

No. That can’t be it. They’re all just secretly anti-semitic or something.

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    5 months ago

    Dumb meme.

    “We have to think about what we’re doing, and what we have to do is try to stop the suffering in Gaza … but for them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message,” she said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see.”

    “I think … some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere,” Pelosi said. “Some, I think, are connected to Russia. And I say that having looked at this for a long time now, as you know.”

    This is undeniably accurate, from Pelosi: Foreign adversaries are absolutely amplifying a pro Gaza message.

    Maybe you’re sincere. Doesn’t mean everyone you find agreeing with you isn’t a flaming dumbass who got tricked by foreign manipulation.

      5 months ago

      Why would Putin want a ceasefire?

      Wouldn’t he want the slaughter to be as bloody and longterm as possible? Israel is exposing the facade of the Western Rules-Based world order and the non-existence of international criminal law. Not only is the West not stopping their genocide, the West is actually funding and enabling it.

      Which is good for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa - who all aspire to destroy western global institutions and replace them with substitutes that favor the non-western world. Which includes replacing the Dollar as the world’s currency.

      Given that, a cease-fire would be the worst thing for Putin. He should be hoping that Netanyahu carpet bombs Rafah into rubble. Although Israel blatantly violating such a ceasefire and then never being held accountable would also be a good result for Putin - and for Netanyahu, who needs to destroy liberal democratic rules in order to personally stay out of prison, same as Trump

        5 months ago

        You know if you don’t want to look like a raging west bad cynic you might be more interested in not almost verbatim repeating the geopolitical opinions of Hitler’s personal lawyer and legal theorist.

        Also, pushing the ceasefire when it’s obvious it won’t happen is good for him because it demoralises the opposition to his allies in the western world making it more likely they’ll fail to turn out against his known efforts to dismantle western democracy like he believes in some mirror world version of democratic peace theory and can’t imagine that a dictatorial US wouldn’t be waaaaaaay more likely to be coming for his throat.

          5 months ago

          You know if you don’t want to look like a raging west bad cynic you might be more interested in not almost verbatim repeating the geopolitical opinions of Hitler’s personal lawyer and legal theorist.

          I have no idea who you are referring to, and do not understand how the linked 90 minute video relates to your argument. Elaborate upon what you’re saying.

          Also, pushing the ceasefire when it’s obvious it won’t happen is good for him because it demoralises the opposition to his allies in the western world making it more likely they’ll fail to turn out against his known efforts to dismantle western democracy like he …

          I don’t understand what this extremely long sentence is saying. Please revise for clarity. Use proper names rather than pronouns. I do not understand who you are referring to or what point you are intending to communicate without engaging in numerous acts of conjecture

        5 months ago

        I doubt it’s about that. Putin wants a friendly administration in the White House that would reduce/eliminate sanctions, stop supporting Ukraine, and look the other way when Russia grabs more land.

        Gaza is one of the areas where Biden is the weakest, and Putin is surely doing everything in his power to make Gaza an issue that loses Biden votes.

          5 months ago

          Putin wants a friendly administration in the White House that would reduce/eliminate sanctions, stop supporting Ukraine, and look the other way when Russia grabs more land.

          Yes, but to what ultimate end? Is it not to the ultimate end of ending the Post-WWII international order and replacing it with either a multipolar heavily-regionalized series of “legal” orders? Or perhaps it is even to create a new unipolar world that is rooted in Beijing - with rules and norms that will be created accordingly

          Clearly the emerging powers of the world do not like the Western system that has been imposed upon them. Destroying it is one of their goals. And one contributing method of that destruction is for Israel under the criminal Netanyahu to erode any remaining moral clarity that the West’s institutions possess.

          After all, if these international bodies have revealed themselves to be merely extensions of Washington’s will, then surely it is right to replace them with new institutions that are rooted in “justice”? And who better to design that system of “justice” than those nations whose hands are not bloodied by 500 years of imperialism, colonialism, genocide, and trans-atlantic slavery?

          5 months ago

          In March 2024, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT found there were “reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission” of acts of genocide had been met.

          “By analysing the patterns of violence and Israel’s policies in its onslaught on Gaza, this report concludes that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met. One of the key findings is that Israel’s executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people.”

          93. The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel’s assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it has inflicted reveal an intent to physically destroy Palestinians as a group. This report finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the following acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza has been met: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to groups’ members; and deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Genocidal acts were approved and given effect following statements of genocidal intent issued by senior military and government officials.

          94. Israel has sought to conceal its eliminationist conduct of hostilities sanctioning the commission of international crimes as IHL-abiding. Distorting IHL customary rules, including distinction, proportionality and precautions, Israel has de facto treated an entire protected group and its life-sustaining infrastructure as ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorist-supporting’, thus transforming everything and everyone into either a target or collateral damage, hence killable or destroyable. In this way, no Palestinian in Gaza is safe by definition. This has had devastating, intentional effects, costing the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians, destroying the fabric of life in Gaza and causing irreparable harm to its entire population.

          95. Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a longstanding settler colonial process of erasure. For over seven decades this process has suffocated the Palestinian people as a group – demographically, culturally, economically and politically –, seeking to displace it and expropriate and control its land and resources. The ongoing Nakba must be stopped and remedied once and for all. This is an imperative owed to the victims of this highly preventable tragedy, and to future generations in that land."

              5 months ago

              It cannot be overstated how bad this makes Israel look. Consistent with the actions of a fascist state though


              "An independent expert appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said on Thursday that Israel’s decision to ban her from entering the country is nothing new and must not distract from atrocities being committed in Gaza.

              As Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese has a mandate from the Council which includes investigating violations, undertaking regular visits or missions and reporting on findings.

              Israel’s Foreign Minister and Interior Minister announced this week that she was prohibited from entering the country following recent comments made online about the 7 October Hamas attacks that sparked the current hostilities in Gaza.

              ‘Symbolic and misleading’

              “Since Israel’s 2008 detention and deportation of then UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk, the State of Israel has prevented the entry of all UN Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. Israel’s recent announcement to ‘officially ban’ my entry is therefore symbolic and misleading,” Ms. Albanese said in a statement."

          5 months ago

          In 6-months, Israel has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, and wounded more than 78,000.

          70% of those casualties are women and children.

          Israel has destroyed more than 221,000 housing units, leaving almost half the population homeless.

          Israel has decimated their civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage.

          Israel has destroyed 26 hospitals, killed more than 400 healthcare workers.

          Israel has destroyed every single University in Gaza, 56 different schools, and badly damaged hundreds more, leaving over half a million students without access to education.

          Israel has violated international law. It has blocked foreign aid to help these people, leaving them starving, sick, destitute, and dying…

          …and you’re staying that everyone in Gaza is dead because Hamas is to blame? How do you do the mental gymnastics that allow you to fully absolve Israel of all blame in their tactics? I’m genuinely curious what goes on in that sick, twisted mind of yours.

          Just go ahead and say you support the genocide of the Gazan people. It’s essentially what you’ve been defending for months now…

      5 months ago

      Doesn’t mean everyone you find agreeing with you isn’t a flaming dumbass

      I’m right and you’re wrong,

      I’m big and you’re small,

      and there’s nothing you can do about it.