If a topic keeps coming up no matter how much you try to censor it, consider that it’s not going away. Some changes are long overdue.

  • MilitantVegan@lemmy.worldOP
    5 months ago

    I remember reading about why greenhouse gas emissions are such a hot topic in environmentalism. The author showed how a lot of the other important environmental degredations we need to fix all interrelate right back to ghgs. Tackling emissions is a nexus problem - solving it simultaneously solves a lot of other environmental problems.

    Veganism is similar. In the first place, we are never going to meet climate goals without also becoming significantly more plant-centric, since the animal ag industry is one of the single largest climate change contributors (in addition to their other environmental harms like fecal pollution and deforestation).


    Going vegan also happens to be a form of fascist resistance, as the animal ag industry is one of the largest funders of conservative groups (including Democrats).



    Going vegan is likely also one of the best choices you can make for your own health, particularly if you go the whole-food plant-based route.


    Going vegan as a society is probably the only response that has any hope of averting an h5n1 pandemic - which could wipe out as much as half of the human population when it occurs.


    And if worker rights and worker exploitation matters to you, then you should know that animal ag is one of the worst offenders.


    Going vegan solves many problems, and it’s an issue that can’t be handwaived with the line “but corporations produce 70%” — sorry. No magically ideal government is ever going to get 99% of the population to go vegan. It’s cultural, and that means individual action matters. If even one person adopts a vegan lifestyle, it’s estimated that as many as 200 fewer animals will be slaughtered per year.

    Like it or not, we all have a responsibility to stop animal abuse. Doing so just so happens to help eliminate or at least alleviate a lot of other pressing problems as well.