• The House passed a more than $60 billion bill that provides more military aid to Ukraine.
  • It’s part of a larger foreign aid package that’s likely to pass the Senate and be signed into law.
  • 112 Republicans voted it against — the most ever, and a majority of the GOP conference.

Saturday’s vote marked the first time the House had approved billions of dollars in Ukraine aid since December 2022, when Democrats still controlled the chamber.

In the two years since Russia’s invasion, opposition to aiding Ukraine has grown from a fringe position to a majority view among House GOP lawmakers. Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence.

Here are the 112 House Republicans who voted against the bill.

  • Filthmontane@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    A lot of that equipment would’ve just gone back for rework and upgrades. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they don’t work. That narrative was intended to force the US to by new more expensive hardware instead of repairing what we already have. Now that the old stuff is shipped out there’s a demand for new builds.

    We will only give Ukraine just enough to prolong the war as long as possible. This war means trillions of dollars in sales if it goes on long enough. I bet the US can stretch it up to ten years if they play the same right. And all the while, Ukraine will be bombed to shit, waiting for the US mega corporations to make more money on the reconstruction efforts. They just need to make sure Putin stays in power or the whole scheme falls apart.

    • theprogressivist @lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      So your idea is to let Russia steamroll Ukraine in which Ukraine will still be bombed to shit? Yeah you’re a fucking bootlicker.

      • Filthmontane@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        The best idea is to force a peace treaty. Tell Putin he can have the land he’s captured if the war ends now. Better to let him take that land than wait until Russian military gets back into Kiev again or other more populous cities in the West. He’ll feel like he’s won and the killing will end. Otherwise there will be no end. Putin will never give up unless the Russian people put his head on a pike. Even if Ukraine somehow manages to push Russian troops back to their borders, the war doesn’t end there and Ukraine isn’t going to conquer Russia.