• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Technically speaking the laws mostly already existed for everyone but since they were buried in disparate bills it wasn’t well known about or spotty in enforcement. This is more just improved codification rather than a lot of new laws.

    So be assured all those death and rape threats, criminal damage and abuse based on sex are still a crime to do to men.

    Getting an appropriate Misandry law on the books might not be terribly popular though since a lot of masculine folk themselves look at misandry as being just “apex manhood” and have bought into it wholesale. They probably wouldn’t thank you and would react poorly if you showed them the full scope of what counts.

    The conversation around misogyny has reached a point of reasonable concensus regarding what counts and it’s damages. Misandry as a concensus needs a few more years in the oven as the center is still soft.