Donald Trump is trying to bring into politics a phenomenon that’s taking off in college athletics: money for use of the former president’s name, image and likeness in campaign ads.

In a letter this week, the Trump presidential campaign asked all down-ballot GOP campaigns for at least a 5% cut of the money raised from advertising that features the party’s 2024 presumptive White House nominee.

“We ask that all candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump’s name, image, and likeness split a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC,” said the April 15 letter signed by campaign co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

    6 months ago

    I agree Comey is a ratfucker, but Clinton dropped the ball so many fucking times. She failed the ground game in Michigan and Wisconsin, she failed in Pennsylvania and Arizona, all states that were entirely winnable (and she thought she had them in the bag) but voters didn’t show up for her. She pulled money from the “safe” counties, but worse than that she failed to make a case why anyone should vote for her. She had no platform, she was out front on zero wedge issues, and spent more time antagonizing progressive voters than she spent courting them. And they still showed up to vote for her, because progressives didn’t want Trump. It was the moderates who shrugged and said “what’s the worst that can happen?”

      6 months ago

      She followed the standard Democrat strategy in PA and successfully did it better than Obama, at least on the base. She only slightly underperformed vote totals in rural counties. The issue is that trump brought people into the vote. Not moderates, but non voting rural voters who believe they had been left behind. And did so in droves.

      She lost because she was an establishment candidate, doing typical establishment things (very successfully) at a period of time of strong anti establishment…and here comes this guy, whose genius is in the ability to sell himself, who said all the right things about being anti establishment.

      Clinton was your typical politician. She played by the book and did so pretty well. And of course this includes focusing on a swing state like pa. Can we look back and think of things she could have done better? Of course, hind sight is 20/20. But the issue is that they didn’t sense, noone really did (Im not even convinced trump did), how much people were desperate to vote for a non establishment candidate.

      She wasn’t a bad a candidate, just the same old at the wrong time.

      But comey legitimately did things that they pretty much never do that fucked her. It was a knowingly harmful action, right before the election, where she lost some places with razor thin margins. He fucked us, very intentionally, even if he didn’t think it would swing the election.