People can’t stop cracking up over the former president’s bizarre, bumbling speech.

Speaking outside Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Donald Trump left everyone confused when he attempted to explain the Battle of Gettysburg, praised (and invented a quote from) Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and generally had no idea what he was talking about.

When his off-the-cuff remarks hit late-night television on Monday, the hosts couldn’t hide their laughter.

“You have to hand it to this guy: On the weekend before his unprecedented criminal trial begins, he somehow manages to overshadow it with this broken-brained interpretation of what happened at Gettysburg during the Civil War,” Jimmy Kimmel quipped.

    6 months ago

    Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few other people that see how awful the two party system is. You just wouldn’t guess it by looking at all the mindless red and blue(mainly blue) knights galloping around here. It doesn’t have to be that everyone just gets assigned a guy and then they go about pretending how they love the guy oh so very very much.

      6 months ago

      Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few other people that see how awful the two party system is. You just wouldn’t guess it by looking at all the mindless red and blue(mainly blue) knights galloping around here. It doesn’t have to be that everyone just gets assigned a guy and then they go about pretending how they love the guy oh so very very much.

      Of course having only two major parties is awful. No fucking shit. We all know that. First-past-the-post is a terrible voting system and needs to go.

      But we also live in this thing called “the real world.” Here in the real world, we can’t do anything about FPTP or the two-party system in time for the 2024 election. In the real world, we’re facing a situation where one of two ancient men will be president. One of them is a fascist rapist, the other is a relatively standard politician.

      In the real world, the last time the fascist was in power he managed to secure a 6/9 majority on the US Supreme Court. He managed to undo decades of regulatory work. He tried to torch the post office so it could be spun off and privatized. He tried to ban Muslims from entering the country. He moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and would absolutely be worse for Gaza than Biden.

      The choice between these two men is one where there is a clearly superior choice. Pretending that because both are distasteful you’re somehow superior for voting third party is absurd. Trump is so significantly worse than Biden that voting third party is a stupid, naive move that reflects a lack of understanding.

        6 months ago

        Wow. Finally, someone can admit that Biden is also an awful choice(just a less awful choice). It’s not so hard to actually speak your mind. Now, if you were to do this at the beginning of a thread, when people would actually see it, you would be ripped to pieces. That’s the problem.

        The issue is that people are so fucking scared to mention Biden’s ineptitude around here, that so many morons start to actually believe that other people see him as a good president. It is such a breath of fresh air to finally see someone admit this. Thank you so much, hopefully more people start to be willing to say this stuff straight out of the gate. It’s so frustrating to be one of so few that are willing to say that hating one doesn’t have to mean loving the other.

        If you don’t believe me, then try it out in a fresh thread. Mention how awful Biden is(yet still the best choice), and watch the idiot hive mind swoop in on you.

        Thanks so much, I really appreciate the help with the voice of reason. By the way, this “real world”/“it has to be this way” stuff is just a thing some places, it’s not a given for all human politics. The more people are willing to do what you just did, the more it moves the conversation to a place where maybe we can start to make real progress away from feeling doomed to a shitty system we all hate.

        Good on you!

          6 months ago

          I actually don’t think that’s true, plenty of people dislike Biden. Earlier in the campaign it was all about how terrible our choices are. But the conversation has changed, and now if you don’t mention the “he’s the best choice” part, people will assume you’re part of the “vote third-party-because-both-sides-are-the-same” troll brigade that’s flooded the internet lately, which clearly either doesn’t understand FPTP, or (more likely) does understand and wants Trump to win.

          that so many morons start to actually believe that other people see him as a good president.

          To be fair, he’s not a terrible president. He’s managed to get some stuff done despite an obstructionist Congress. I wish he were farther to the left, and I wish he didn’t have the fairly awful history that comes to most career politicians. Also supporting the Israeli genocide is horrible, though given how fervently he would be attacked were he not to support them, it’s difficult. Politically he can’t really win (though of course ethically he’s absolutely doing the wrong thing).

          I don’t like him. But we’ve had far worse presidents.

          By the way, this “real world”/“it has to be this way” stuff is just a thing some places, it’s not a given for all human politics.

          No shit, but it absolutely applies to this conversation and this topic and the importance of this election. Context matters.

            6 months ago

            I’m on the internet a lot, especially around lemmy, and I have yet to find anyone who is suggesting it is a good idea to vote 3rd party. There is just a bunch of people that take any sign of someone not absolutely loving biden as “Both Sides BS”. I think it must be all these drama queen biden cult followers that make it seem like there is this evil “both sides” boogeymen running around, but thats just their reactions, not something that’s actually happening. I don’t know why really, like is it just that people care about getting upvotes so they are all just trying to read the room and play along? I’ve no idea. It’s just so dumb that it requires so much pushing to get people to actually feel like they are safe to speak their mind on him.

              6 months ago

              I’m not sure how you haven’t seen it, but I can’t debate your subjective experience.

              I will say that I don’t think there is such a thing as “Biden cult followers.” This isn’t MAGA. There are just people who desperately don’t want to see another Trump presidency (for good reason)!

                6 months ago

                I can’t say for sure, but the reason I’ve not seen it is probably the same as the reason nobody seems to be able to link to examples of it.

                  6 months ago

                  Well, you hadn’t asked for a link. This individual is the one I’ve seen most recently, spending his time with the common troll tactic of pivoting and attacking insignificant parts of an argument to try to discredit the whole. Here he is advocating third party voting:


                    6 months ago

                    Very interesting, thanks, that’s a first for me around here. It’s interesting to see someone actually do what so many people get blamed for.