People can’t stop cracking up over the former president’s bizarre, bumbling speech.

Speaking outside Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Donald Trump left everyone confused when he attempted to explain the Battle of Gettysburg, praised (and invented a quote from) Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and generally had no idea what he was talking about.

When his off-the-cuff remarks hit late-night television on Monday, the hosts couldn’t hide their laughter.

“You have to hand it to this guy: On the weekend before his unprecedented criminal trial begins, he somehow manages to overshadow it with this broken-brained interpretation of what happened at Gettysburg during the Civil War,” Jimmy Kimmel quipped.

    6 months ago

    I appreciate you taking the time to write that. I think there has been some confusion. Clearly, they have differences as candidates. I have yet to see anyone claim otherwise. I was responding to a comment asking why the red players like the red team captain. I said it’s because that’s who was chosen as the red team captain and who they are told they are supposed to like. Then I went on to say that that is the same reason that the blue players like the blue team captain, because that’s who the blue players are told to like.

    It may come as a surprise, but this is not how it used to be, and it’s not how it is everywhere. It used to be that people were excited when the team captain spoke. They were inspiring, the stired souls, their people loved them because of who they are, not because of who they are not. Now, we have degenerated to the point where the teams like their captain simply because they are told to and because “at least they are not as bad as the other team captain.”

    It is absolutely insane that saying this stuff gets a bunch of downvotes. This is not revolutionary. Both sides are convinced that if they don’t pretend that they think their guy is great, then that makes them a horrible team member. As a result, we have two groups of people that are both backing candidates that should absolutely be in assisted living, and both groups are acting like their candidates are fantastic. You got tricked, that’s fine, it happens, but the sooner everyone can admit that, the sooner we can get back to not arguing over which clown has the most human-like features.

      6 months ago

      I get where you are coming from, but your analysis is wrong.

      The right doesn’t just like their candidate because he’s the Republican candidate, they worship him.

      And yes, it didn’t used to be that way. In fact, I can think of no time in American history it was that way, and need to look to places like North Korea or authoritarian regimes of days past to find parallels.

      They get very excited when he speaks. Particularly about retribution.

      He ends his speeches with prayer music over his words.

      And it’s not just that he’s who is on the ticket. The old school Republicans that support him for the hope of a tax break may be like that, but his base is unique in the history of American politics.

      You’re being downvoted because your both sides-ism ignores the severity of the present danger.

        6 months ago

        Yes, the trumpers are technically more far gone than the biddeners, but not dramatically more far gone. Not when you consider just how deteriorated biden is. Nobody ever quotes biden. Nobody ever points to inspirational speeches or actions. Everyone who has been paying attention has seen him spew long, multi-sentence, incoherent word vomits. These are not accidental fumbles, it is absolutely “we need to get grandpa to a doctor asap”, the man is not well, we have ALL seen it. Repeatedly. The best they can do it try to find 5 minute clips where he manages to string together sentences that can actually be understood, let alone inspirational.

        Any rational person who feels they have to vote for their guy on either side, should be making absolute sure that their team knows how much it pains them to be doing so. By not doing this, and by quite frankly, doing the opposite, they are spreading the absurd signal that they actually think their guy is a good candidate. This does nothing but lower the expected standard even more.

        People like to talk about their duty, well their duty, if they have one, is to make sure everyone knows that this is so messed up. What do they do instead? They either silently downvote, they make up absurd “both sides” defenses that make no sense, or they just tell you how much you love trump if they catch any whiff of a side-eye towards biden. Then very rarely, after much teeth-pulling, you might get someone that admits they aren’t absolitely thrilled about having a moldy wrinkled pillowcase flying the airplane.