I realize that, after all this time, I have never payed for my all-time favorite games I grew up playing (Fallout 3 & Skyrim). I can pay for it, but I really do not want to pay the money to the Bethesda’s marketing team, CEO, and whoever bullshit middle man who wants a cut of that. I want to give directly to the team that made the damn game, the artists, the sound designers, the voice actors, the programmers. If there was a way to do that, i’d be more happily inclined to spend my money on a decade year old game.

Just thinking

  • nintendiator@feddit.cl
    6 months ago

    If there was a way to do that, i’d be more happily inclined to spend my money on a decade year old game.

    True. And this falls squarely on their responsibility. If they set up a Patreon or Kofi something, for example, and make it known, then we can support them directly.

    Or they could just publish the information required to do a cash mail / wire transfer. But I don’t know how the fees would work for that with small donations.