I figure some kind of camo: The T-Shirt of Darkness

  • owenfromcanada@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    The Umbral Tee

    This plain T-shirt never seems to get dirty or stained, always remaining a bright white. It has a base AC of 14 and grants the following effects:

    • Eclipse: as an action, you create a 30-foot cylinder of magical darkness centered on you. For the duration of this effect, all light (normal and magical) is suppressed, and you gain a +3 bonus to AC. This effect lasts for up to one hour. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the following dawn.

    • Don’t Look Directly At It: when your Eclipse feature is in effect, you may use a reaction at any time to end the effect early. When ending Eclipse in this way, you briefly emit dazzlingly bright sunlight. All creatures in a 30-foot radius who can see you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d12 radiant damage and are blinded for 10 rounds. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage and are not blinded.