Like, I fucking wish they were. As a California (and especially a Bay Area) resident, we wouldn’t have to deal with the bullshitery of living under sky-high costs as tech billionaires and landleeches have the privilege to simply walk all over us. Like, California is as much a part of the Capitalist American country as Mississippi… in fact maybe even more so with the presence of Silicon Valley and all the companies stationed over there. Along with this, a communist California would not allow themselves to become such a car-centric hellhole that it is. Yet, no matter how much the Californian government will suck up to lobbyists and billionaires, they will still be called communists for doing the absolute bare minimum for women’s and LGBT+ rights and for having restrictive gun laws (which was actually implemented by none other than their messiah, Ronald Reagan out of the fear of the Black Panthers).

Like, I want to live inside their fantasy of a communist California. It would do away with so much of the bullshitery that I have to deal with living here.

    6 months ago

    They are working with the “everything I don’t like is Communism” definition of communist.

    It is very rare that any US liberal has a real understanding of what communism actually is. The enduring legacy of the red scare has ensured that they know it is “bad”, and that is all they need to know. Accusing a USian of being a communist is the fastest way to guarantee they sprint right as fast as they possibly can; better for them to be labelled a fascist than a communist.

    Believe me, I too wish there was anywhere in the US that was any real flavour of socialist.