Is it not incredible how the same people who are talking about how the west is descending into fascism also think that the west has moral superiority over the rest of the world and has the right to impose their values on the global majority.

      7 months ago

      I believe in the Liberal hypocrsies especially when they:

      • claimed to follow the redefinition of Capitalism to oppose government intervention into the economy, but then follow the original definition of Capitalism to implement heavy government intervention to support the rich 1% withe the Bretton Woods Institutions and racist white governments.

      • accuse Nazi German for the Nazi Holocaust, but continued their Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Holocaust.

      • claimed to support property rights, but rob from Indigenous people under the pretense that the Indigenous people lack “proper” documentation of their properties.

      • force poor countries specialization in a very specific economic sector which made them financially unstable and economically dependent on a foreign country, but implement protectionism to protect economic sectors in Western European diaspora countries for “security” reason.

      • claim to oppose terrorism against innocent people, but then conduct terrorist attacks against a crowd of people to kill imagined terrorist suspects within the crowd of people.

      • claimed to oppose coerced confession, but support coerced confession against criminal and terrorist suspects and then use the coerced confession as the absolution evidence of guilt under the excuse that a person will never confess to crimes that they had not commited.

      • claimed to oppose authoritarian practices, but employ extremely crual torture practices that they developed from the Indian Residential fake schools against terrorist suspects under the excuse that torture and terrorism is the only method against terrorism.

    • 小莱卡
      7 months ago

      Lol exactly what i concluded, liberals only care about aesthetics and rhetoric, they will oppose any type of material struggle. Thats why they love “the marketplace of ideas!”