• Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    We don’t know what Biden is saying behind closed doors, but I’d be willing to bet my left nut that he’s really angry at Netanyahu.

    Bibi knows he would get full support to wipe out Gaza from Trump.

    Biden is still trying to help within a certain frame by sending aid and asking Netanyahu to stop killing civilians. But that’s only as much as he can do without completely pulling all funding, weapons and ammo. But there’s risks associated to that. Especially with the threat of Iran in the middle East. He doesn’t want to lose the support of one of the only allies, if not the only one, in the region.

    The whole thing is very complex. There’s lots of things at play here and it’s all a bunch of shades of gray. Nothing is black and white.

    However, there’s only one thing that’s really important here. Trump must lose. A Trump win would be devastating for world peace. I don’t think Americans understand enough how much their country is a central pillar for world peace. The Gaza genocide could be nothing compared to the world wide cluster fuck we could be in if Trump wins.

    So get your heads out of your asses, swallow your fucking pride and do the world a fucking favor by voting for the only candidate who still has a chance at not bringing a third, and possibly ultimate, world war.

    • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      For real - Trump would have sent whole squadrons of B-52s to carpet bomb Gaza without warning or allowance for any civilian evacuation.

      I voted uncommitted in my primary on Tuesday. But I am sure as shit voting for the Democratic nominee, whoever it turns out to be, but realistically, it’s going to be Biden.

      I understand precisely how central the US is to world stability at large. I’m not trying to claim the US is perfect, or unambiguously good - we have absolutely done a lot of shitty things over the years. I will assert that the world would likely be a lot more dangerous in a holistic sense if it weren’t for the US’s post-WW2 leadership in the western hemisphere.

      • The US has deliberately destabilized the Middle East, South and Central America and Southern Asia. What you describe as holistic sense, is in fact the opposite. It is limited to a western perspective, that was culturally formed by almost a century of American supremacism, denial of non western perspectives in media and manufacturing consent propaganda in all levels of society…

        The Vietnam war was largely an effort to destabilize the region and prevent economic development by defending a brutal post colonial regime against its own people. It wasn even about communism, as the US was happy to help the genocidal Red Khmer in Cambodia.

        The US has toppled something like a dozen democratically elected governments in South and Central America and installed brutal, often fascist regimes, to maximise US company profits.

        The US destroyed Iraq, leading to the Insurgency and subsequently ISIS, to keep the Middle East at perpetual destablization after it started to become more stable in the early 2000s. The momentum was then used to destabilize Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. While claiming it was about “democracy” the US was happy to support the coup in Egypt after they kicked out Mubarak and held elections. The now installed Sisi is even worse than Mubarak.

        The final example should be Afghanistan, where 20 years of US occupation created nothing tangible and had the country fall back under Taliban control before the last US troops were out.

    • zeppo@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      First thing trump would do is stop all Ukraine aid and give Putin the green light, second thing he’d do is withdraw from NATO.

    • Dippy@beehaw.org
      5 months ago

      Yes all of this. And also, even if Palestine was in no way on the ballot in November, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it to vote for the guy who is much better in all the ways that are on the ballot

    • IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I wish more people understood you some deescalate by screaming we’re going to kick your ass and force you to stop. That is unless you all want the US fighting on a third front and are willing to eat that cost.

    • ZILtoid1991@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      I think a Trump win could mean at least soldiers being sent to Gaza and Ukraine being handed over to Putin in the name of “peace”, which would fuel the territorial ambitions of other dictators. A lot of Hungarians are still mad about Treaty of Trianon, see Slovaks as a “fake nation created by the Habsburgs/Jews/communists”, and this is only my country. China has it’s own territorial ambitions, so are most other regimes.

    • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺@feddit.de
      5 months ago

      for the only candidate who still has a chance at not bringing a third, and possibly ultimate, world war.

      Trump hast pulled out US troops from the Middle East. The US strategy for the Middle East and in particular the strategy of supporting Israel no matter what, revolves around perpetual destabilization of the Middle East to prevent the formation of a unified Arab bloc, that would become another global power.

      I believe this to be highly implausible. The current US strategy is a danger to peace. Also both Saudi Arabia and Iran are now in the BRICS, so without US divisive interference diplomacy is actually possible in the region.

      The whole “Trump will cause WW3” seems to me like a great consipiracy theory peddled to get some of the anti war vote, when the Democrats have been War Hawks since decades. Hillary Clinton campaigned in 2016 on the idea of going to war with Iran. There is many problems with Trump, but on the issue of global war i do not see, why he would be a bigger danger than the Democrats or other Republicans.

      • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
        5 months ago

        Are you serious?

        Like someone else said, Trump would likely carpet bomb Gaza indiscriminately. This world increase hate against the US from the Middle East. And would probably encourage certain nations to act against the US.

        Trump is also pro Putin. He would let Putin run rampant and he would invade and take over all the old Soviet bloc nations and rule with an iron fist over them. This would put Europe at risk of war. And could potentially drag in NATO members. And have you forgotten that Putin is staunchly against LGBTQ and trans people? This would cause complete chaos.

        • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          5 months ago

          Why would Trump have to carpet bomb Gaza? Israel is literally already doing that with American bombs. What benefit would it be to Trump to spend billions of dollars deploying US military forces to take military action Israel is already taking? Trump would just continue letting Israel do whatever they want with no international repercussions. The genocide of Palestine is not popular with the extreme right, which is virulently anti-Semitic and has seized on the genocide as an excuse to promote anti semitism. Not to mention, Trump has territorial goals in mind. He wouldn’t commit military forces to a place far from the Americas (and away from his territorial ambitions) to ethically cleanse a group of people who mean nothing to him.

        • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺@feddit.de
          5 months ago

          Where did Trump expand US military presence during his presidency? I only have the examples in mind where he pulled troops out. Also the brief escalation with Iran was, well brief. Torpedising the JCPOA was a destabilizing act, but the war hawks amongs Dems are also fiercly opposing any diplomatic efforts with Iran.

          Meanwhile while Biden is talking about “please Israel don’t kill so many Palestinians, what are you doing this is bad press for me” he also keeps sending arms to Israel and backing them against every UN measure to demand a ceasefire and humanitarian access to Gaza.

          Judging by actions instead of words, i don’t see why Trump would be more of a danger to the Middle East than the Democrats are.

          I share the criticism of lacking Ukraine support and Putin apologism by the republicans. I am skeptical that this would lead to WW3 in Europe though. Russia did not escalate to nuclear war, like they threatened, for European countries and the US to send more and more and better equipment to Ukraine. Russia having switched to war economy is dangerous as it might necesitate an even stronger focus on war efforts, but i remain sceptical that they would push into an all out war with European NATO countries. Putin is struggling internally to keep power, as we see by both Putin allies and enemys to keep “falling” out of windows. And the russian elites like money, but they don’t like getting nuked. Also Russia is more and more dependant on countries like China and India to cover the sanctioned parts and products. Neither country is excited about the economic fallout of a full blown war in Europe.

          Finally Putin being staunchly against LGBT people is unfortunate, but i don’t see how this would make the prospect of WW3 more likely. We see a recession of pro LGBT stances in the growing fascism and right wing populism in Europe too. These countries will not go to war over LGBT rights. And the growth of these political leanings is aided by Russia, no doubt about it. But the land for these “plants” to grow is kept fertile by neoliberal politics, that are in line with the US Dems economic positions.

          This is where the circle closes. We cannot solve Trump, growing fascism in Europe, Putins expansionism and create peace in the Middle East without changing the political direction of US Democrats and similiar political groups in Europe. By saying “ohh this election again we must get the Democrats to win as they are the lesser of two evil” all we do is grow both evils stronger.

          • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
            5 months ago

            Trump didn’t have the conflicts we have now during his presidency. Actions instead of words??? You’re kidding? You can’t compare him to Biden in that regard.

            Trump pulling troops out of the Middle-East was him pulling troops out of Afghanistan. And look what happened. The Taliban just walked back in with practically zero resistance and now every woman in the country lost their rights. The decades long work of trying to stabilize that country, dead soldiers from so many countries who tried to bring stability and peace in the region. All lost in a few weeks because of his stupidity.

            • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺@feddit.de
              5 months ago

              Trump also pulled US soldiers out of Syria, Iraq and Somalia.

              Also as much as i love to blame stuff on Trump, Afghanistan failing was not his work alone, or even mainly his work. And Biden was happy to fully pull out of Afghanistan, instead of reversing Trump decision. But the USs proclaimed goal of stabilising and democratising Afghanistan was a sham from the very beginning under Bush. Heck even the “war on terror” angle was a lie, as all the US did was make insurgent groups stronger wherever they went.


              • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
                5 months ago

                Alright then. Go vote for Trump if you hate Biden so much. Let’s see where a second Trump presidency leads world peace and social progress. Because according to you, he’s so much better at doing this job than Biden who, outside of the whole Gaza conflict, has been praised for his work on so many levels.

                • And here you fall victim to the problem i was talking about in the first place. The US politics are so entrenched, that each election you rather want to chose the party that will fuck you over less badly this time, but by this enable both parties to fuck you over every time.

                  I’m not an US citizen so my perspective of course is different, but how the fuck can the majority of the voters in the US be fine with the choice being between two geriatrics with visible mental decline and think “yep this is as good as it gets”? How can the voters of the democrats let the party elites get away with another Biden candidacy?

                  But like a badly managed company only thinks about the next quarter, the US seems to only think about just the next term and never further.

  • Wirlocke@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    5 months ago

    Honestly the Trolley Problem is a perfect representation of this issue. All leftists in America are being asked to either personally hold a part in a genocide, or to personally abstain and allow greater horrors to be unleashed (including the genocide).

  • LinkOpensChest.wav@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    5 months ago

    This post is the most accurate portrayal of the situation I think I’ve seen. I’d greatly question someone’s moral compass if they liked Biden or approved of his presidency. Whenever this gets discussed, a bunch of status quo warriors pop out of wells to say “Trump is worse.” Like, no shit.

    • neeeeDanke@feddit.de
      5 months ago

      Whenever this gets discussed, a bunch of status quo warriors pop out of wells to say “Trump is worse.” Like, no shit.

      Yes, but it still needs to be said every time because it would be detremental to leave even the tiniest chance for this (valid) critique of Biden to help Trump in the presidential election. That is why I think it’s inportant to point out the obvious (Trump is way worse) because it is obvious to most but might not be to some and it would be a massive Issue if those people could take this discourse as reason not to vote for Biden in november.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        5 months ago

        It seems to me in bad taste when someone’s trying to discuss things like the Palestinian genocide or the immigrant concentration camps to then try to make it about a campaign. It effectively derails meaningful discussion about people actually suffering and dying via Biden’s bad actions.

        Edit: But I do understand your pov. I just disagree with it. The best thing we can do to earn the votes of leftist and progressive voters is to at least make us feel heard. Lecturing us about Trump every time seems like a great way to alienate people.

    • Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      The way they talk, Biden is the greatest thing ever.

      I dont care that they have to vote for him to avoid Trump, that sucks but i get it.

      But I cannot tolerate the maga cult levels of delusion they use to support him. Just admit hes shit and that all he offers is not being Trump, at least that shows a sign that maybe you would at least want to fix the system after the election.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        5 months ago

        Yeah, it’s really sus behavior. The people who are especially baffling are those who post long laundry lists of Biden’s supposed accomplishments, as this in any way excuses things like committing genocide or imprisoning refugees in concentration camps.

        I’m sure John Wayne Gacy was a fine party clown, but this typically isn’t considered to excuse his other endeavors.

        So yeah, I’ve been totally disillusioned of the idea that Democrats aren’t cultlike. Both parties over here treating politics like a team sport, and meanwhile people are dying for no good reason at all.

    • spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      5 months ago

      thank you! fully agree. i’m slowly getting a handle on this rhetoric posting thing 🙃

    • yessikg@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      5 months ago

      Look he has fucked up the least out of all the modern presidents, so of course people like Biden, this holier-than-thou attitude is what gives online leftists a bad name

    • spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      5 months ago

      excellent it’s almost over with 😅 hoping biden responds well

  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The worst part is that the US supporting Israel is a huge liability at this point for everyone involved. A regional war would harm all parties. There might not be be an Israel if they don’t stop their genocide. All US investment will have gone to waste and the entire region will be devastated. Your enemies can’t win if everyone is destroyed 💀

  • SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    Godfuckingdamnit. This is syntax class all over again, isn’t it? It’s damn obvious, but there’s some people who did actually need to solve the trolley problem, and still didn’t.

      • SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        My experience with syntax is that we wasted 10s of hours learning concepts that we pick up naturally, that no one would ever need to analyze it with this much detail just to be able to properly speak their native tongue (Spanish in my case). As it turns out, there’s plenty of people who have been speaking Spanish their whole lives and still manage to fail somehow.

        The original trolley problem is extremely simple and no person should be dumb enough not to save the maximum amount of people. And yet there’s plenty of people who feel icky at the prospect of having to take a decision. And yet.

  • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Not pictured: a giant hand holding the lever flipper in place, forcing their participation and complicity in one major candidates genocidal intentions over another.

    There’s always time to walk away from omelas.

      • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        I reject the premise that voting necessarily works, but even for a person who is operating under the assumption it does, no one is forcing you to choose between the two bad candidates.

        There are third parties, a person can leave a position blank, and even if a person believes that voting works, they could still simply choose not to engage with that system and do something else instead.

        You literally don’t have to be complicit.

        • zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          5 months ago

          Voting 3rd party is literally engaging the system on the belief it works. Sounds like you don’t agree on strategy.

          • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            I personally do not accept your premise that voting works.

            but for a person who does, a third party, blank selection or just not engaging with that system are all ways to not be complicit in the actions of candidates.

            If you want to talk about the repercussions of someone believing that voting works, I’ll gladly listen to you, but that’s not me and I’m gonna have to deal with it hypothetically.

            • zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              5 months ago

              Let’s say I agree with you that voting doesn’t work, how does voting make one complicit when their involvement doesn’t matter?

              • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                In that case it wouldn’t.

                We’re talking about a post that uses a meme image about the trolley problem to make a statement about the American election.

                Part of the whole conceit of that rhetorical structure is that voting works. If I don’t agree with it personally that’s fine, but I didn’t comment in opposition to the premise that voting works, but instead in opposition to the premise that a person who does believe voting works is compelled by any structure, physical or otherwise, to choose between the two worst candidates.

                You brought up voting working in reply to me. I’m interested in hearing what you want to build off that. Why not just lay it out?

                • zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  5 months ago

                  I brought up “voting works” because without it, the claim people are complicit because they voted is just bizarre. How can I explain why one should vote when we don’t even agree on what it means to be complicit?

  • colin@lemmy.uninsane.org
    5 months ago

    “Spoiler effect” is so dumb. like oh, i’m the bad guy for voting for the candidate that you agree is better than the one you voted for??

    give me a break. i’m literally not the one to blame for that.

    • spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      5 months ago

      i agree the spoiler effect is dumb. and you’re not the bad guy, the system is.

      there are solutions to the spoiler effect problem but when seeking to save lives it tends to help to work within the bounds of the (broken) system.

  • anarchost@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Over 100 comments and nobody mentioned Biden spoke approvingly of a union leader during the SOTU

    And even if Trump and Biden were identical in Gaza, there’s also ~20 million LGBT people in the United States and a domestic genocide would actually be bad too (even if Americans are culturally imperialist or something).