I aspire to be this guy.
The title bothers me. He still is totally fine, but he was, too.
This reads like a Mitch Hedberg quote.
“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.”
I was a bit inspired 😉
Wouldn’t it be mad if every time this man went to the doctors, they told him “okay, now forget everything you know about vaccines!”?
You’re dad was in that movie
But if he had never been vaxxed? Higher long COVID risk & stuff.
Maybe delusional-paranoia-quantities of shots are safer than none!
He’s totally fine, plus now he can pick up radio signals from all over the known universe.
With that many shots, he is basically a 5G tower at this point.
he is basically a 5G tower at this point
More like 12G
Also legally allowed to walk around in public telling people “touch me child and be cleansed”.
If you get 216 covid shots, something is clearly not fine.
My elderly mother-in-law was terrified of COVID and made it a point to get two extra booster shots a few weeks after she got her original dose. She goes back every three months to re-up. I suspect she’d get more if the Pharmacy didn’t have her on file.
Some people are just, like, the opposite of anti-maskers. Absolutely paranoid of the disease and ready to grab at any kind of tulpa offered if they’re convinced it’ll offer protection.
This guy is calling people “Grandpa Biden” as an insult in other threads. I wouldn’t take what he has to say about COVID too seriously. He’s clearly a Fox News nutjob.
Something you believe in so strongly it becomes real.
Perhaps she has “Hypochondria?” Who knows how many people/lives in her life that was affected by COVID. At least this article provides some confirmation that she isn’t hurting herself.
Perhaps she has “Hypochondria?”
Or she’s just on Facebook too much. She’s not like this with everything, but COVID really got under her skin.
At least this article provides some confirmation that she isn’t hurting herself.
No more than someone with a bunch of tattoos, anyway.
That’s a fair point. Unfortunately, there is still plenty of posts of antivax people dying from deaths that could have been prevented. Which coincides with the fact that the platform is incredibly anitivax in the first place.
I personally don’t understand the tattoo reference here but have an up vote anyways. 🤷♀️
I personally don’t understand the tattoo reference
You typically get a tattoo by having a needle jabbed in your body repeatedly.
Wow, considering the headline I really should have gotten the reference. 😔 Thank you.
Or she’s just on Facebook too much. She’s not like this with everything, but COVID really got under her skin
In her defense, Ive had covid 3 times and it really sucked every single time, even with the 3 shots I got. If taking 6 shots would have made it half as bad, I may have gotten them.
I mean, to her credit she is batting 1.000
Even helped me take care of a newborn for a few weeks while we had it, and the disease bounced right off her.
It means you’re one of the 99% who stop right before winning
Stop being antivax!
I am from Germany, and the last time I hear about that someone got 217 vaccine shots it was satire because some places offers free food if you get a shot. And he said: “I was just hungry”
I get angry whenever someone pushes that “They lied to you” bullshit. I just tell them “well tell that to my fucked up heart and lungs.”
Or my dead-at-16yrs nephew.
Yeah but I heard my cousin’s friend had only one and instantly got autism.
If to mine but every time I try to use my 5G Mark of the beast I get an error message about having to update Adobe to get my full experience
You need to get an even number of shots. 0, 2, 4, 8… Everybody knows that. Its basic science.
At 217 this guy’s in real trouble if he doesn’t grab another.
Well that’s because he hasn’t gotten the Bill Gates’ microchip vaccine grown in the same peach tree dishes as his burgers administered by Biden’s Gazpacho police and activated by the Jewish space lasers!
You bastard, you almost made me laugh hard enough to wake my girlfriend 🤣
I’m more curious to know if he ever got COVID or if it actually got him so many antibodies that he never actually got sick
The researchers did a bunch of tests and determined that he never had COVID, though they cannot attribute that to 217 boosters specifically. They noted that it could’ve been isolation, hand washing, etc.Better to quote directly from the article:
Last, multiple types of testing indicated that the man has never been infected with SARS-CoV-2. But the researchers were cautious to note that this may be due to other precautions the man took beyond getting 217 vaccines.
To be fair, you have to sit at home since 2019 in order to be cautious enough not to catch it without protection :D
Myself, my partner, mum, dad and my grandma have never caught it. We follow the government advice so haven’t been wearing masks for over a year now.
You’re probably vaccinated then, aren’t you?
I’m talking about being non-vaccinated :D
Oh sorry, I thought by protection you meant masks and social distancing. It’s been a long week! Yes we’re all vaccinated. I’m immunosuppressed so they weren’t sure if my body would respond but apparently so!
Good to know it worked! Saved me too, lived with two covid patients :D
I am unsure if I ever got the virus. Every single time I thought I had it my test came back negative, but my wife and kids got it twice. So it just doesn’t seem likely that I never did.
Good thing there’s an article
I guess that is the second article from wired I’ve read this month and the first one was free. I only got the first paragraph before a paywall.
Understandable, no he never got COVID
Interesting, thanks for letting me know.
No problem. Sorry I was being short before.
No worries, I usually search on archive for the article if it has a paywall but I asked in the comments instead.
Same for me but I used https://12ft.io/
Same for me. You can bypass it if you read in a “private browsing” window.
Well that’s one way to host a networked nanite symbiote.
He is Borg now.
Wow. This opens up a possibility that we can keep exercising our immune system and study the long term effects of that. What if there was a weekly schedule of all diseases to practice immune response against!
I mean he did get 5-10x better reaction from antibodies against covid. Imagine if we could design a course for our immune system to fight every known virus.
Our immune system decays and dies as we age. Maybe keeping it busy can keep it alive a bit longer like exercising a muscle.
Other people are already doing their best to exercise their immune systems against Botox.
Smart idea.
It makes sense in theory as it is very similar to say allergy shots.
How did no one notice he taking like a shot about every 3-4 days on average? Does that even make any sense? The more you try to parse it. Like, no one in his family noticed? Nor his Doctor? Did he travel around the world or to different countrues to get all of them? Since most countries do not have them all.
Looked into the guy, there is official evidence for 134 of the vaccinations, which include eight different types of vaccines authorized for human use. The remaining are self-reported. But still, guess no one cares or bothers to notice if you are pushing product.
What do you mean by pushing product?
Hey kids, you wanna try vaccines?
Come on. He got 200+ vaccine shots. That in itself says he was never fine to begin with.
When the vaccine came out and I got my first shot, I told the nurse who administered it that I would drink it in a smoothie every day if it helped us get past the pandemic. Still would.
But you haven’t, have you?
Is there evidence to suggest that drinking a vaccine smoothie would help everyone get through the pandemic?
We can’t just start using a lack of evidence as justification for not doing something in a pandemic, that would be insane.
But the point is there isn’t and so you haven’t, this person is living in the same world and they have
They never said they did… ?
Because the person was using it to rebuke a comment saying the person clearly had issues, their argu was essentially that if reality was different then this would be a good idea which is something you can say about literary anything so totally worthless to say.
You tell me? Why bring it up if it wouldn’t work?
Idk, didn’t make the comment.
Is that how many it takes for immunity now?
Got tired of Facebook? Seems more your style