• NevermindNoMind@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    That’s the bare minimum, we arm Isreal and veto resolutions against them at the UN giving them license for genocide, and then air drop a pittance of supplies since Biden won’t end the indescriminate targeting of civilians or force Israel to let aid in.

    Remember, Biden could end this all with a phone call.

    As the WHO points out, airdrops will provide far less aid then if Israel just opened up border crossings and let trucks in:

    “It’s absolutely not needed in Gaza. The simplest, safest way and most effective way to deliver aid to people is through crossings. Not just Rafah. It should [also] be Kerem Shalom,” he said, referring to the crossing with Israel known in Arabic as Karem Abu Salem.

    He added that the UN has been “more than ready” to supply Gaza with the aid it desperately needs but “a lot of our missions got delayed [and] denied [by Israel]”.

    Air drops will undoubtedly provide some benefit, but they will be no means substantially ease the suffering in Gaza. This is an optics play, plain and simple, Biden provides the military means and international cover for Israel to create the famine in the first place, then makes a big show of getting some aid (five months into the genoicde) in to Gaza (using the least efficient means) to try to appease his critics.

    Hooray I guess. I hereby nominate Biden for the Nobel peace prize.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Oh lawdy! Now all those sincere genuine people screeching genocide joe are gonna accuse him of being Hamas.

    I respect that there honestly are no really good decisions to be made. From the fucked up situation decades of western interference and complicity have created. So worried about losing that foothold in the region and not being able to fulfill obligations to other allies. That they handle a butcher with kid gloves and undeserved diplomacy. It’s nice to see the administration make a decent start of a move finally. After so many self inflicted injuries.

    Though we really need to cut Bibi loose. I bet we could find other footholds in the region if we stop actively antagonizing it.

    • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Oh lawdy! Now all those sincere genuine people screeching genocide joe are gonna accuse him of being Hamas.

      The supporters of genocide cannot imagine that anyone actually opposes genocide, so instead they assume that all opposition is astroturfing.

        • Eldritch@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I’m talking about all the people that disingenuously demean what it means to actually support genocide. Left and right. Including the person you responded to. Don’t get me wrong. Biden committed an extremely bone-headed unforced error. That anyone could have told him would blow up in his face. There is nothing he could do to get Bibi to listen.

          No one that accuses Biden or any of the other progressives of supporting genocide is being genuine or sincere. They are being drama queens and simply alienating their allies. There’s no end of things to criticize Biden for without making things up. And people win no points for it.

          • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            No one that accuses Biden or any of the other progressives of supporting genocide is being genuine or sincere.

            Thank you for confirming that you can’t imagine anyone opposing genocide.

            • Eldritch@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I’m opposed to genocide. I simply try not to act like a child when discussing these things. I don’t deny that Biden has done some stupid shit regarding this. And that he’s not helped the situation. But no one could genuinely say he supports genocide at the same time he’s actually trying to stop the genocide. Even with the patently stupid moves he’s made.

              Thank you for proving my point that you have no genuine point. And are only here to cause drama.

    • FenrirIII@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Oh lawdy! Now all those sincere genuine people screeching genocide joe are gonna accuse him of being Hamas.

      They were criticizing him for not sending in the Marines in trucks to blow through Israeli forces and start even more trouble. Lemmy is full of disingenuous idiots.

      I respect that there honestly are no really good decisions to be made. From the fucked up situation decades of western interference and complicity have created. So worried about losing that foothold in the region and not being able to fulfill obligations to other allies. That they handle a butcher with kid gloves and undeserved diplomacy. It’s nice to see the administration make a decent start of a move finally. After so many self inflicted injuries.

      Decades of US policy have driven us to this point. We’ve made enemies of Muslim nations because we had Christian whackos running everything. The only countries that like us are ones who want our money or our weapons. Sadly, nothing is going to change overnight.

      Though we really need to cut Bibi loose. I bet we could find other footholds in the region if we stop actively antagonizing it.

      Bibi is a warmonger and should stand trial. If Israel had rational leadership they could have kept the bloodthirsty part of their population in check.