What are some (non-English) idioms, and what do they mean (both literally and in context)? Odd ones, your favorite ones - any and all are welcome. :)

For example, in English I might call someone a “good egg,” meaning they’re a nice person. Or, if it’s raining heavily, I might say “it’s raining cats and dogs.”

  • mumblerfish@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    In Swedish there is

    “Now the boiled pork is fried”, meaning sometging has gone too far

    " be on the cinnamon", to be drunk

    “Put the legs on your back”, to run

    “You are out biking”, you are missing the point

    “Pay[back] for old cheese”, to get revenge

    " bear-favour", is a favour that gives bad results

    “Now you’ll see other buns”, things will get rough

    " there are no children being made here", nothing is happening/its boring/lets go

    “Satan and his aunt”, all kinds of people/everyone

    “Good day, axe-handle”, something like saying “yeah, you dumbfuck” after getting a nonsense repley from someone

    “In only the brass”, to be naked

    “Show where the cupboard will stand”, to firmly make a decision

    “You cupboard”, miss the point, being stupid

    " shit in the blue cupboard", to make a mistake

    Edit: forgot a good one:

    “Get your thumb out of your ass”, to stop doing nothing and start doing something