Yes, I made it using a laptop’s trackpad, how could you tell?

[Image description: Panel 1: Young man confidently walking, his vest bears the Wayland logo. Behind him is a grunt with the Gnome logo on his face holding a katana. The young man says: “It’s high time you retire, old man!” Panel 2: An old man with a long beard and the Xorg logo on his chest is sitting on a throne and petting a rat, the XFCE mascot. He says: “It’s still a hundred years too early for you to defeat me!” ]

    4 months ago

    Very true. Like I would love it if something worked as solidly as X but Wayland has had like 15 years to get it’s shit together and it’s still not there. There are plenty of people for who it does work too but 2 out of the 3 computers I use regularly have issues with Wayland.