“This is the most extreme type of monitoring that I’ve seen,” says Pilar Weiss, founder of the National Bail Fund Network, a network of over 90 community bail and bond funds across the United States. “It’s part of a disturbing trend where deep surveillance and social control applications are used pretrial with little oversight.”

  • nodester@partizle.com
    1 year ago

    Prosecutors and judges really need a reminder of the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    The day her husband was released on bond, Hannah sat down with their kids and tried to explain how all of their devices were going to be monitored: The probation department would see anything they looked at on their phones and assume it was their father using the device. The constant surveillance had an immediate impact on the family, Hannah says.


    In near real time, probation officers are being fed screenshots of everything Hannah’s family views on their devices. From images of YouTube videos watched by her 14-year-old daughter to online underwear purchases made by her 80-year-old mother-in-law, the family’s entire digital life is scrutinized by county authorities. “I’m afraid to even communicate with our lawyer,” Hannah says. “If I mention anything about our case, I’m worried they are going to see it and use it against us.”

    Any reasonable person would describe that as not just a punishment, but a pretty severe one.

    And one that affects children. Having a teenager know that a person she never met, who she has no way to contact, is looking at her activity every minute isn’t just punishment in fact. It’s victimization.

    Thus, I think we can conclude from this that the Monroe County, Indiana prosecutors office is victimizing children. Full stop. Time to make some arrests.

    • imbrucy@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      The very idea that they can forcibly monitor the entire families devices in order for him to be granted bail is insane. Personally, I think the idea of not being allowed any electronic device shouldn’t be allowed anymore, but using that as a pretext to affect the entire family is absurd.

      • nodester@partizle.com
        1 year ago


        In 1950, if you were told as a pretrial release condition, you weren’t allowed to use paper because your alleged crime involved a book, no one would have thought that reasonable. Today, devices are the equivalent of paper.

        • MyFeetOwnMySoul@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          I agree that this is cruel and unusual punishment, however, I strongly dislike the paper == computer metaphor. The two are hardly comparable.

          Compared to paper, it is easy to comit serious crimes from the comfort of your own home with a computer. Computers facilitate Lightspeed communication, and can be used for instantaneous financial transaction. They can be used to collect information anonymously, and deseminate information publically.

          Very very different risk levels.

          That said, subjecting an entire family to 24/7 electronic surveillance (and making them pay for it!?!) Is fucked up. I think we need a different paradigm for dealing with “e-criminals” like perhaps the state provides state-administered devices to those charges with electronic crimes? Idrk, but this ain’t it cheif.

          • nodester@partizle.com
            1 year ago

            Computers are remarkably efficient but at the dawn of the Gutenberg press, you could have made similar observations. For the first time with paper, it was possible to commit crimes in the privacy of your own home merely by writing things down and sending them to a publisher.

            • MyFeetOwnMySoul@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Except for the “instantaneous” and “Lightspeed” observations, which I think are the real key here. Also, commiting a book crime would require conscious cooperation and coordination with another person/people (the publisher), whereas internet crimes can be done completely solo.

              I think a more sensible comparison could be made between computers and telephones or telegraphs

              • nodester@partizle.com
                1 year ago

                It’s more efficient, certainly. But telling someone pretrial in 2023 they can’t use a computer isn’t realistic.

                • MyFeetOwnMySoul@lemmy.ca
                  1 year ago

                  In large part I agree, however, it leaves a problem unsolved.

                  In the case of cp possession/production, how do you effectively sanitize a person’s internet traffic?

                  I think providing devices that only connect to state DNS servers, and only serve approved content could be one way. But it also raises privacy concerns.

    • reverendsteveii@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      not just a punishment, but a pretty severe one

      It’s also clear interference in this person’s ability to organize a defense, which is yet another way it could be unconstitutional.

  • girlfreddy@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Jayzuz. If the app’s EULA specifically states it’s NOT to be used as a judicial tool, why in the f*ck are cops using it anyway???

    Murica is so far down the Big Brother rabbit hole rn I fear for its survival.

  • uglytruck@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    And here I worry about eliminating ads, trackers and Google Play services on my phone. There’s no way I would agree to that shit.

  • reverendsteveii@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    we’re gonna monitor all of your family’s devices, including people who are not charged with or suspected of a crime. if any of them do anything we don’t like, we’ll assume it’s you and charge you

    we acknowledge that requests to forbidden sites can be made without the user’s knowledge or consent, but we’re still going to throw you in jail over it

    Imagine you’re legally banned from driving a car. Let’s even make the hypothetical situation a little bit more cut and dry than the real one from the article and assume you’ve actually been convicted of something and aren’t just charged. This is the equivalent of saying “we’re going to put monitoring devices in every car in your driveway, if any of them start up we’ll get an alert. If we get an alert, we’ll assume you’re driving and come arrest you for violating the ban. We also get an alert if the alarm goes off and even if it’s because an acorn fell on your car we’re going to come and arrest you.”

    This is truly an amazing violation of the rights of several people. Welcome to the panopticon, you’re never sure you’re not being surveilled so you have to always act like someone could be watching.

  • Rick@thesimplecorner.org
    1 year ago

    I saw this application once in the past doing tech support for customers. It used a proxy or forced dns servers to allow you on to the internet it seemed “safe”. The user was trying to access websites we used for work. That crazy software takes screenshots of your desktop every few minutes. We worked in the healthcare industry… I forwarded it to our security dept and had to file a HIPAA report…

    Terrible software. The persons family didn’t trust their own adult kid… I figured it was some form of religious thing.

    • firead@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It is a religious thing. I grew up fundamentalist Baptist and then softened up into the Evangelical world before leaving Christianity behind, and this was very common for both parents to use to get reports and see if their children were looking at porn and for men who had gotten caught or admitted to struggling with porn or cheating to have another man as an “accountability partner” and give access to his internet history through this program.

      The software came up during the Josh Duggar trial because his wife had put it on his computer before either his cheating or his other inclinations became public knowledge.

  • Fapper_McFapper@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    You would have to be completely out of your mind to voluntarily add this app to your device. And I’m sitting here at work talking about it and my religious co worker just informed me that he has a group of friends that use this app. WTF?!

  • MyFeetOwnMySoul@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Covenant Eyes doesn’t just block pornography. Though the app is designed to block traffic to adult sites, Hannah shared reports that show she was unable to access The Appeal, a nonprofit news organization that focuses on injustice in the criminal-legal system


    the irony is so depressing.

  • Darren@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    To my knowledge, a lot of these tracking and accountability applications end up in hot water because of their usage from bad actors.

    I know there was an app on Android called Cerberus that was supposed to help you track your phone if it was lost/stolen, and it had the ability to open the covertly take videos/screenshots, so you could provide it as evidence to authorities.

    Eventually, Google Play Store pulled the application after it became a fairly popular app for people to stalk their significant others without them knowing. I know for certain that iPhones already limit a lot of features from these types of apps. Just look at the limitations that CE admits to having when installed on iOS, including the inability to grab text messages, and only working through Safari.

    The major players in tech, imo, have done a good job in preventing people in accidentally installing these applications that could invade their privacy (and instead, allow their own applications to steal your data…) It’s another discussion to see how much personal data we allow big tech to access, but I can say that they’ve done a solid job preventing these third party tracking applications to stay on their devices. The only way they can be installed is if you agree to it being installed on your devices, or being coerced into it.

    The only solution I can think that would work long-term is if people get educated on the benefits and sanctity of their right to privacy, and don’t give these tracking companies any business, leading to their eventual collapse. I’m not holding my breath for that to happen, but until that happens, more and more of these stories will pop up.

  • themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    even if the guy did and would be found guilty of child porn (for which he would deserve to rot in hell)

    1. he hasn’t been convicted and is therefore innocent at this time. subjecting someone who is innocent to this is insane, regardless of allegations
    2. the phrase “he chose to agree to be monitored and they chose to continue living with him” was uttered. what the fuck
    3. so like assume i’m adversarial to him. i send him an email which entices him to click a link like "hey neighbor, we went to the campsite and took picture (link)[pornhub.com]. he clicks the link and goes to jail?! actualy scratch that, he’s not allowed to touch electronic (again, insane but less so) his wife clicks it and he goes to jail?
    4. even if his wife went to pornhub deliberately, so what? is she not allowed to look at porn? if so, why? if she is and they’re just assuming he did it because reasons, is he not allowed to look at porn(beyond the using a computer at all thing)? would a porn mag be okay, and if so why or why not?

    in this guy’s shoes i would be this close to encasing a bulldozer in concrete and going for a ride.

    • twack@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Based on the scenario laid out here, anyone in the world could instantly send him to jail by texting him a phub URL from a burner phone.

      Nearly all texting clients would automatically pull the thumbnail and other metadata instantly.

      He wouldn’t even need to unlock the phone. Go straight to jail, do not collect $200.

    • nodester@partizle.com
      1 year ago

      he chose to agree to be monitored and they chose to continue living with him” was uttered

      That got me too.

      “The alternative is that they could have rented a separate house while the breadwinner of the family was in jail. They agreed to it!”

      Utterly absurd. I also think, especially for the 14 year old, that level of surveillance is itself a form of abuse.

  • RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    The legal system is so detached from reality when it comes to technology that it leads to this kind of horseshit where someone, before any court proceedings proving guilt are even started, is subject to extreme and unjust punishment.

    Privacy on the internet is a lifeline at this point and they might as well be cutting off his water or electricity, which would be only slightly more egregious. But the people who create legislation and operate the judicial system are comprised largely of crusty old boomers who need a secretary just to send an email or open a fucking PDF. They are information troglodytes who are simply incompatible with the modern world.

  • Kirpy@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    Hard to believe they unlocked and gave their phone to these weirdos. If you truly have a reason to see this data you can send a court order their isp.

    • mycelium_underground@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      It was a condition of his release, so their choice was either leave him in jail or turn over their phones. The US justice system only exists to fuck people, not to provide justice or follow the laws.