If a chihuahua and great dane, through much effort, can create an offspring, why are human beings so offended by differing externals which are a product of circumstance not choice?

  • aelwero@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Being black isn’t a disqualifier if you can access resources

    How much discrimination do you think obviously wealthy black people face? A much as a poor black person?

    It’s not a matter of skin color in reality, that shit’s nothing more than some extra melanin. The difference is the perception that black people are poor… People see a young black guy in a high end Audi and assume he’s a drug dealer, because they have this societally developed perception that a person of his melanin content is incapable of acquiring that kind of money legitimately. The discrimination is centric to the resources, always has been. There are white people who get just as discriminated against as any other poor person, it’s a huge factor in why Trump’s stupid ass has the following he does… He plays that shit up and nobody else will touch it with a ten foot pole…