I head up a small community for fans of a niche indie brand. The founder is doing an event in Japan with an exclusive item for people who attend! I was so excited and was looking into booking a plane ticket to go!

However… turns out that Japan has a law that absolutely forbids stimulant medication in the country. And, no, I don’t really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.

I’m really shattered, as I wanted to attend this cool event and meet up with other enthusiasts. It really hurts to be barred from an opportunity like this.

I hate ADHD. I really do.

  • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    So you had to explain a whole geopolitical context but it’s not complex ?

    I mean, you made a geopolitical statement. Obviously it’s going to require context. Is that context complex? I don’t really think so, considering I only used a few paragraphs of info.

    they’re not really racist for any other reasons than the culture being very closed to the outside world in general, it’s not really Xenophobia for the sake of it.

    The theory that Japan was completely isolated for 250 years is a common misunderstanding of the isolationist tendency of Edo period. There were still massive amounts of trade happening between Japan and nations like Korea and China, and even a fair amount of trade from the Dutch. And both Korea and China had foreign nationals living in Japan.

    The idea of ethnic supremacy was an import from Europe during the Maiji restoration, claiming that it stems from their isolationist past is a clear historical revisionism, and it detracts from the many crimes against humanity they conducted upon their neighbors.

    it’s easier to deem all the Japanese racists apparently.

    Apparently it’s easier to ignore recent history and just argue with grand sweeping statements.

    • NOSin@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You want to be right, and read what you want (or you wouldn’t even have answered, among others things), so yes, you’re right.

      • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        You want to be right, and read what you want

        No, I’m Korean and still have family members who experienced first hand the horrors of ethnic conflict brought to them by the government of Japan. The types of crimes that the Japanese government still denies and still attempts to white wash out of history.

        Maybe actually pick up a history book about the topic some time? Or, maybe try reading about the history of Japan somewhere other than a manga?

        • NOSin@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Maybe try reading ? I explicitly stated why you’re talking in the air, you really want to be right, while thinking your past justifies any of that eh ? (Protip, that was just an argument of authority to use your nationality like that)

          Learn not to care on the internet and when to stop, it’ll do you a great deal of good.

          And before you cue in your next answer, read the sentence above.

          • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            You want to be right, and read what you want (or you wouldn’t even have answered, among others things), so yes, you’re right.

            Ahh yes, how could anyone not understand such clear and powerful writing… it’s like talking to a Toaist with a concussion.

            I explicitly stated why you’re talking in the air, you really want to be right, while thinking your past justifies any of that eh ?

            I don’t think you understand what explicitly means…

            Protip, that was just an argument of authority to use your nationality like that)

            Lol, it was a rebuttal you idiot. I was confronting your claim that my information was discreditable because my knowledge of a subject is biased by my own research interest. Do you even know about Korean and Japanese history? Or have any idea why a Korean person may have a better understanding about Japanese ethnic conflict?

            Learn not to care on the internet and when to stop, it’ll do you a great deal of good.

            Lol, do you think the equivalent of “I’m rubber your glue” is an actual defensible argument? Or is that just what you do when you get slapped around in an argument?