I head up a small community for fans of a niche indie brand. The founder is doing an event in Japan with an exclusive item for people who attend! I was so excited and was looking into booking a plane ticket to go!

However… turns out that Japan has a law that absolutely forbids stimulant medication in the country. And, no, I don’t really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.

I’m really shattered, as I wanted to attend this cool event and meet up with other enthusiasts. It really hurts to be barred from an opportunity like this.

I hate ADHD. I really do.

  • yuriy@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You just said “it’s complex” and didn’t elaborate, implying it’s too complex to explain in this setting. Someone replied and explained the context in a very concise manner. There’s more then one single force at play, sure, but arguing whether or not that constitutes “complex” is just arguing over the definition of a word.

    Speaking of words and their definitions, no one but you is conflating “xenophobia” with “willful racism”. Those are two completely different things. Someone said xenophobia and you’re now going all in on some strawman that’s apparently accusing every japanese person of being a racist.

    There is absolutely a conversation to be had here, approaching it as a debate is probably contributing to all the perceived conflict.

    • NOSin@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The guy I answered to talked about “imperial fascism”, are you gonna argue that it doesn’t entail racism ?

      A debate isn’t a conflict originally, that’s a very US thing. A debate is supposed to be point of views exposed from both sides, so each can learn from the other.

      • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        The guy I answered to talked about “imperial fascism”, are you gonna argue that it doesn’t entail racism ?

        Are you denying that the imperial Japanese government wasn’t committing crimes against humanity based on the ideology of ethnic supremacy?

        I wasn’t conflating xenophobia with willing racism, I was explaining where the xenophobia hailed from, by confronting your claim that this xenophobia was a result of an often misunderstood span of isolationist tendencies.

        A debate isn’t a conflict originally, that’s a very US thing. A debate is supposed to be point of views exposed from both sides, so each can learn from the other.

        Maybe between two people educated on the topic… There’s no common ground when one person is just making shit up and not providing any supporting evidence.