Disclaimer: I don’t yet understand why this is valuable.
I looked through the yaml example a bit. It looks pretty rough. This really makes familiar and readable yaml into much longer configuration. It’s much harder to read. First impression is a pass.
This is a great project and I’m surprised by the tone of the response here. I think most folks are forgetting that most of the people dealing with configuration are not programmers by trade. They just need to setup a tool for their use case. To that end, the gap between the existing configuration paradigm and extending their software is practically insurmountable. This language bridges that gap in a robust and purpose built way and that is going to make a lot of people’s lives and jobs easier.
Think about homeassistant and how much less fidly it’d be to get advanced functionality or interfaces if the gap between programming and configuration were closed? There is an absolute fuckton of enterprise and scientific software that will improve in the same way.
Vscode already supports linting yaml against a schema file. Once you start configuring your code with configuration-as-code, you’re just writing more code.
If I need to “generate” some insane config with miles of boilerplate, I would use js to build my json, which can be ported to just about anything. This would replace js in that process.
I’m not sold on the need for this.
Even with something like k8s, I’d reach for pulumi before I put another layer on top of yaml.
This seems to have many similar ideas as Dhall Lang - https://dhall-lang.org/
cough::bro, do you even NIX?::cough
This looks really interesting. Getting type safety and editor support to configuration may change quite a bit of how things are done. I don’t know if it will gain traction, but if it does, it may really help bringing some long awaited structure to all those YAML files. There appears to be examples specifically for Kubernetes (https://github.com/apple/pkl-k8s-examples).