I’m also lactose intolerant, but the devil doesn’t sleep just cause I stopped fightin’ him.
I also refuse to tolerate lactose. Godspeed.
This made my partner and me laugh out loud. Thank you.
Out here making the real sacrifices.
Somebody’s got to. 😤
You don’t need me telling you this, but if you’re lactose intolerant, try the lactose enzyme supplements before and after a meal to help digestion.
Lactaid I think is one of them
Oh, I took 'em. But I ate too much. It was like a man versus a military.
have some tea.
It’s almost time for sleep, otherwise I would love some. The caffeine would definitely clear me out.
Peppermint tea or a spoonful of peppermint oil is my go to for lactose (or any kind) of stomach ache. Tastes like toothpaste, but it works great!
maybe beware of dehydration
Vegan ice creams are pretty tasty. Signed, devil #2
Hell yea, the porcelain rodeo is the part I look forward to
Yeehaw! 🤠
Hmm if you drink vinegar will it turn into cheese? Cheese is easier to digest than milk.
You’re clearly a man of culture as well.
do you take lactaid
So much.
I ate a half a loaf of bread in one sitting once and then discovered that eating that much bread in one go will fuck you up. Bread sweats are real. I was soaking in sweat and shivering, horrific cramps are the worst shits.
Never again.
I found out I was mildly lactose intolerant when I started pounding Whey protein shakes during a bulking cycle.
Farting like a draught horse.
There’s a few whey proteins that are lactose free. Hope that helps. :)
Factorio… Any game that’s design-based simulation. Those can draw you in forever
But the real answer is, whatever your friend group does, socialization adds depth and replayability to almost any game. Go with your friend group