So I just stumbled on to this compilation of clips of Patrick Stewart playing Lenin in a 1974 BBC series. I was wondering if anyone has seen the whole series and if you would recommend watching it.

So far i find their portrayal of Lenin surprisingly decent for an English language (and on BBC of all places!) production. Usually they are much more blatantly propagandistic against anything to do with communism. Admittedly you can feel their Menshevik/Trotskyist sympathies as they at times make Lenin seem a bit unsympathetic, plus they allow his opponents more screen time to polemicize against him than vice versa, but it’s not as bad as it could have been.

Also, apart from their decision to portray Lenin as having very negative views toward the peasantry - particularly when one of the main things he emphasized was the need for an alliance between the peasants and the workers! - i could not find many blatant historical inaccuracies or instances of revisionism.