This doesn’t make any sense to me. I know they aren’t Marxists, but the goals of communism are people-centric. We’re trying to achieve a better society for all people, so why exclude certain groups from that?

    1 year ago

    Ultras miss one of the foundational aspects of Marxism in that completely derails their entire perspective and analysis.

    Socialist countries and their various leaders were ALL EXPERIMENTS.

    Missing this view in turn impacts why ultras are so hostile to the LGBT and hold the views that freagle outlined.

    One of the major things that sets us apart from fascists and liberals is that we do not have an idealized, cultish, worship of the past and our leaders. They all made mistakes, they all had misinterpretations, they were all human, and they were falliable.

    It is from this that me must not dogmatically cling to the exacts same views and Stalin, Castro, or Lenin, but instead take the successes of their experiments and build upon them while rectifying their mistakes.

    We must flow like water and adapt to changing times. Never ceasing to learn, grow, change perspective, or improve. Ultras refuse to do this and that is their downfall, because the material and social conditions that created past countries and leaders will never be replicated one for one, which is why we must forge our own paths, and build on the knowledge of those that came before.

    This is why the modern left movement has embraced sexual minorities, something that had not been done by previous movements, and thus, hated by Ultras.

      1 year ago

      “One of the major things that sets us apart from fascists and liberals is that we do not have an idealized, cultish, worship of the past and our leaders.”

      Granted I’m new to this community, but the interactions I’ve had so far (like the weird attachment to Russia, which stopped being even even remotely communist many years ago, and is at the moment bordering fascism) kind of don’t reflect my recent experience. If this truly is an integral part of communist ideology then many people didn’t get the memo.

      • ImOnADiet🇵🇸 (He/Him)
        1 year ago

        It’s because you misunderstand our support for Russia. We don’t think Russia is communist, we just think the US is our greatest enemy in building socialism, so any country resisting our (I’m American) hegemony (and thus a part of the anti-imperialist block) gets our critical support.

        America has constantly expanded nato since the collapse of the ussr, breaking agreements left and right, and tbh it gets really tiring arguing basic facts like that which helped lead to this war (as just one example) so many communists do away with the nuance when arguing with liberals. Why waste all our time writing out the actual nuanced reasons we support russia in this horrible conflict when liberals are just going to dismiss it out of hand because an “evil tankie” wrote it you know?

          1 year ago

          Ahh so it’s not really about communism at all but anti-american imperialism. I don’t know what mental gymnastics you have to go through supporting an invasion on an neighbouring country by a fascist regime as a communist

            1 year ago

            NATO has murdered millions of civilians since their inception as an anti-communist bloc, and Russia even under Putin has been there at every turn to prevent that (Syria, South America, Iran just in recent years). The US admitted shortly after the beginning of the war that Ukraine was never going to be in NATO, and Merkel admitted late last year that Minsk I and II were only made to gain time and prepare Ukraine against Russia (i.e. giving them equipment and weapons so they can keep the grinder going to the last Ukrainian).

            If the “international rules-based order” thinks they can ignore those rules and interfere in foreign affairs as if they’re the world police, what do you think is going to happen at some point? Strong words clearly brought Russia nowhere, who participated in the peace talks of Minsk I and II and who received an agreement that NATO would not expand east of their 1991 member countries.

            supporting an invasion on an neighbouring country by a fascist regime as a communist

            Yes yes everything you don’t like is fascism 😴

              1 year ago

              I take it you are completely fine with the current state of Russia’s leadership, or how would you describe it?

                1 year ago

                It’s not about what we like or don’t like. It’s about the situation we have. We live in the material world, not in our escapist fantasies. But liberals don’t understand that, you would rather keep fantasizing that you lived in a perfect world rather than do anything to actually make that world a reality.

                No matter how much you wish the war didn’t happen, it did and that’s not gonna change. The question now is how to move forward from this situation we are dealt. Keep sending Ukrainians into the meat grinder until there are no more Ukrainians left?

                I take it you are completely fine […]

                You assume a lot of things from the people you speak to.